How to Dry a Wet Memory Foam Mattress

How to Dry a Wet Memory Foam Mattress

Memory foam mattresses made of polyurethane foam are all the rage these days, probably due to the comfort level they offer. They provide a pressure-free sleep surface and can prove to be extremely supportive in times of need. But everyday usage exposes them to a lot of wear and tear. Whether you use them in your living room or bed room, you are likely to treat them with spills of water, coffee, juice or other liquids. If you have pets or children at home, urine may be a problem. If you have kept your mattress near a window, they may possibly get wet due to rain and storms. Once you have got a wet memory foam mattress, oneHOWTO will tell you how to dry a wet memory foam mattress on your own.

Why it is important to dry a memory foam mattress?

Basically, memory foam is a porous material that does not usually soak up liquid like a sponge. But once it gets wet, the moisture seeps down into it and stays there unless you let it properly ventilate. A wet mattress is not only uncomfortable, but it also becomes the breeding ground for mildew and mold. A wet mattress tends to take on a musty smell, and mold begins to grow inside it within a couple of days. If the mattress was in rain and storms, it may have become wet with contaminated water that may have contained dangerous chemicals, fuels and biohazards.

Even if you sanitize the inside of this mattress, moisture may still linger and invade. However, your memory foam mattress can be salvaged if you work fast and dry it thoroughly. Moisture may speed up the deterioration of your mattress and hamper its performance. It will also ruin the mattress by weakening the adhesives that hold all its layers together. Moisture may accumulate and give way to mold. That’s why it is important to know beforehand how to dry a wet memory foam mattress. Read how to clean a memory foam mattress for more background.

Methods to dry a wet memory foam mattress

Here are a few methods to dry a wet memory foam mattress:

  • If the spill was minor or if the wet area is quite small in size, then you can blot up the moisture using a washcloth or tissue paper. Make sure that the cloth or drying pad you are using is absorbent and clean. You may need to apply pressure while blotting in order to force out as much moisture as possible from the memory foam mattress. Once you have blotted the excess moisture, you can set your hair dryer on high and direct it towards the wet patch. Hold the dryer 3-4 inches away from the mattress and continue applying heat for 15-20 minutes. Let the area cool down completely so that you can decide if it has dried or not. Wait for half an hour before you proceed to the next method.
  • Another method is to let the moisture get absorbed through kitty litter. Sprinkle some clean kitty litter on the wet memory foam mattress surface. Apply some pressure on the litter to force out the trapped moisture in the mattress. Litter is an absorbent material that can absorb moisture from the wet mattress. Before you press the litter, place a cloth or towel over it so that it does not poke your skin. Wait for a couple of hours to press again. Afterwards, you can suck up the kitty litter using a wet/dry vacuum. If moisture is still left behind in the mattress, you can repeat the entire process once more and then vacuum. If some moisture still remains, you can direct heat from the blow dryer to dry it up. Be careful with litter stainage.
  • Flip up the memory foam mattress on its side, and prop it securely in place, leaving an air space of at least 2 feet on both sides. Place a fan near the end and let it blow down on both sides. You may also use two fans to point directly at the mattress on both sides. Open all windows of the room and turn all the ceiling fans on so that there is maximum movement of air in the room. You may also turn up the heat by using a space heater. Make sure that it is kept at a safe distance from the mattress. Air circulation and increased temperature combine together to speed up the drying process.
  • Another method is to take your mattress outside, make a platform with something like sawhorses or concrete blocks and let the memory foam mattress rest on it. Alternatively, you may also turn your mattress on one side and prop it up securely. Let the mattress stay out in the sun and wind until it dries up completely. You may speed up the drying process by keeping a couple of fans facing the mattress as well. If the mattress is still soggy at the end of the day, you can take it inside in the evening and repeat the process next day.
  • If the memory foam mattress is wet with urine, it has high chance of trapping the smell and stain. Blot any wet stains with paper towels by pressing softly on the area. You can get rid of the smell by spraying some vinegar on the urine stained area, rubbing with a toothbrush and letting it soak for 10 minutes. You may also sprinkle some baking soda on top of the vinegar. Baking soda clumps up as the vinegar dries up, and comes off easily along with the urine and stench. Read how to remove urine stains from a mattress.
  • Mix 10 ounces hydrogen peroxide, 3 tbsp baking soda and 2-3 drops ordinary dish detergent in a bowl. Pour this mixture in a spray bottle and spray on the stained areas of the memory foam mattress. Spray enough to completely cover the stain with the solution. Turn on the fan and open all windows as you allow the mixture to set in for around one hour. When the mixture dries up, the stain and odor will be completely removed. Read how to clean a mattress with baking soda.

Things to Know

  • Even if the memory foam mattress feels dry from the outside, it may remain damp with moisture inside. It would be better to over-dry it rather than letting it stay damp and allowing it to dry on its own. Any moisture in the mattress may allow mildew and mold to grow, which would be harmful for you and your family’s health.
  • The best thing you can do is to prevent your mattress from getting wet. You can easily do this by adding a waterproof cover for your memory foam mattress. These are breathable, non-toxic waterproof covers that provide protection to your mattress but don’t make you sweat like other plastic covers.
  • Another recommendation would be to un-make your bed after getting up every morning. This will allow your bedding and mattress to dry out while it is not being used. Make your bed and fold back all the covers so that all the sheets get exposure to air. Letting your bedding lie on your memory foam mattress traps moisture and sweat from your body, allowing dust mites to survive and accumulate.
  • If you are going out of home for a few days, you can take this as an opportunity to let your memory foam mattress air out. Remove all the bedding and sheets and let your mattress air out while you are away. You may also leave the shades open so that some sunlight enters into the room and kill any bacteria in your mattress.

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