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How to Dry Your Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. January 21, 2022
How to Dry Your Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer

As for winter, the worst thing is the lack of heat. Not only is it much more pleasant to walk under the sun in summer, but rain and cold lower our defenses, affect our mood, and make even such mundane tasks as washing difficult. In winter, jeans can turn to ice if you try to hang them outside to dry when the temperature is well below freezing. It may be difficult to give up the energy-intensive clothes dryer during the cold and wet winter months, but it can be done.

This oneHOWTO article will show you step by step how to properly dry clothes in winter without using a dryer, the sun, or even during rainy seasons.

You may also be interested in: Tricks to Dry Clothes Faster without a Dryer
  1. Make sure you wring your clothes well to remove the water
  2. Dry delicate clothes by rolling them in a towel
  3. Use short cycles in the washing machine
  4. Use the hair dryer
  5. Use a food strainer
  6. Hang the clothes inside the house
  7. Use a dehumidifier
  8. Use a heated airer
  9. Use an iron
  10. Cover the clothesline with plastic
See more >>

Make sure you wring your clothes well to remove the water

Remember that wringing out your clothes well will save you time if you dry them indoors. Use a good spin cycle to do this, especially if the garment allows it. Do not use it if the garment is delicate.

To make sure your clothes are completely dry before you store them, hang them on hangers in the shower or in a high place with a bucket underneath to allow the water to escape before drying.

If you want to know how to properly wash towels without damaging them, then do not miss this article on how to wash towels.

Dry delicate clothes by rolling them in a towel

Rolling up a garment in a dry shower towel is an effective way to dry clothes in winter without having to hang them up. To do this, first wring out the wet garment well so it does not drip. Put the garment on the towel and roll it very tightly so that it absorbs as much water as possible. Rub it for a while to get a better result before unrolling the towel to remove the garment. You can use a hair dryer to remove any moisture that may still remain on your clothes. If you are not in a hurry, it is best to leave the garment hanging near a stove or radiator.

If you want to know how to wash delicate items such as linen, do not miss out on this article about how to wash a linen jacket.

Use short cycles in the washing machine

You should wash your clothes in short cycles at a very high spin speed so they do not come out of the washer so wet and you do not have to wait hours for them to dry. The short wash cycle not only saves energy and water, but also spins faster than a normal wash cycle. As a result, your laundry spins quickly and releases a lot of water, so you are already halfway through the job when you hang it up.

If you want to know how to wash delicate items such as linen, do not miss out on this article about how to wash a linen jacket.

How to Dry Your Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer - Use short cycles in the washing machine

Use the hair dryer

You can blow dry the items one by one. You will see that they quickly change from wet to warm. Although it is a very fast method, we recommend not to use a very high temperature so as not to damage the clothes. This method can also be used to remove excess water before you lay them out to dry completely, or vice versa, to remove damp spots or parts that were wet.

If you need more information on how to use a hair dryer to dry your clothes, then keep reading this article on how to dry my clothes using a hair dryer.

Use a food strainer

The salad press is a practical device for drying smaller items of clothing, such as socks and underwear. Especially if you think they are too wet to hang in it without soaking the floor. Most of us have probably never thought about it, but this method quickly reduces the amount of water and moisture in our clothes. Place one or two garments in the salad press and turn the handle. You will find that your clothes will be dry in a matter of minutes.

Hang the clothes inside the house

Make sure you keep the clothes in a dry place protected from rain so they can dry properly. Remember to wait at least two days for the clothes to dry completely. To prevent odors from sticking to your clothes, do not dry your clothes in areas where you smoke or cook. We recommend that you hang your laundry in a room that you air regularly (such as the laundry room or living room) and let it dry naturally, preferably near a stove or heater. You can hang the laundry on a folding clothesline or a hanging clothesline, or place it on chairs, radiators, etc. if it is small.

How to Dry Your Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer - Hang the clothes inside the house

Use a dehumidifier

Use a dehumidifier when you hang your laundry indoors. Not only will this help your laundry dry faster, it will also prevent you from breathing in cold, damp air that is not healthy for your lungs.

If you use a dehumidifier, hang the damp laundry on a clothes rack and place the dehumidifier nearby. To speed up the process, close all doors and windows in the room where you are drying your clothes.

Use a heated airer

If you want to hang your clothes in the house, you can also buy a heated airer. These are clothes racks with a cable that runs through the bars and gives off heat like a radiator. So you can hang the laundry well and it dries much faster than if it is folded or hung on chairs or other surfaces.

How to Dry Your Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer - Use a heated airer

Use an iron

Some clothes you can iron while they are still damp, for example, underwear, jeans, cowboy clothes, clothes made of viscose or polyester. This way you make sure they are well dried before you store them. As you know, it is not a good idea to store them while they are still damp, otherwise they may smell bad or even get moldy. Avoid drying delicate clothes with the iron, otherwise they will be damaged, shrink and so on.

Cover the clothesline with plastic

One last tip: If you hang your laundry outside in the winter, put a plastic sheet over it and attach it to the clothesline with clips. This way, when it rains, your clothes will not be dry because of the humidity, but at least you will not have to worry about dirty rainwater ruining your laundry. Using a plastic covers can also protect your clothes from dust and water dripping from the upper floors if you live in an apartment.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Dry Your Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer, we recommend you visit our Home cleaning category.


  • You can increase the speed of drying by putting the clothes near a radiator, but never on it.
  • Fans help speed up the drying process inside the house.
  • Do not dry your clothes in humid areas, or with odors. If you must, at least use a dehumidifier.
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How to Dry Your Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer