The best flowers for spring and summer

The best flowers for spring and summer

There comes the time of year when nature shows in all its splendour its colours and shapes, the plants bloom and the streets are scented with a different air, a good time to create a new wonderful and welcoming atmosphere in your home. Discover which are the best flowers for spring and summer at oneHOWTO.

Steps to follow:

If there is a flower that attracts attention for its beauty and elegance, it is the orchid, an ideal plant to give a chic touch to your home. The recommendation is to place it near a south-facing window but away from direct sunlight during hot days as this could affect it.


Hyacinth is a beautiful flower that also comes in several colours besides blue tones, such as white or pink. To grow it you need loose soil with good drainage and to place it a patch with lots of light, the advantage is that with good care it can keep throughout the winter


Lavender is known for its soothing properties and its particular scent, in addition to an attractive appearance. It is a plant that grows best in sandy soils, requires a lot of light and water at least once a week, but the care is worth it. Learn more details on planting lavender in our article how to plant lavender.


Another flower that is associated with beauty and elegance is the lily , perfect for summer because besides requiring a lot of sun it usually withstand high temperatures without needing too much water


The lily, with its trumpet like appearance, comes in a huge variety of colours, and can be so different from one species to another that having three different ones will offer an amazing décor for your home. The soil should be fresh and can not receive direct sunlight


If you like plants with a more exotic appearance then the bromeliad is a great choice for this spring and summer. It can reach a meter in height if you keep it away from direct sunlight, another good choice for your garden in spring and summer.

If you want to read similar articles to The best flowers for spring and summer, we recommend you visit our Gardening & plants category.

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