Washing clothes by hand
Washing clothes by hand, you will find practical information written by experts about washing clothes by hand in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
2 articles

low difficulty
If doing laundry can be a pain in the neck sometimes, washing items of clothing like caps can be a real headache. Can you put them in the washing machine? Will they shrink? Lose their colour? The truth is that it does depend on each individual cap, but this OneHowTo article will give you some general advice...

medium difficulty
Great on fries or mixed into salad dressing, vinegar is a common condiment we often take for granted. We take it for granted because we don't always appreciate just how useful it can be and often limit it to these culinary applications. Open up the powerful potential of vinegar by using it as a secure...