Decorating ideas

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: December 2, 2024
How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles

Decorating with recycled materials is a household sensation. Many people have been adopting this new decorative trend and make use of old objects by giving them new life. This is the case for plastic bottles, one of the most common packages in our daily life that can be reused perfectly to create useful decorative objects in your home.

At oneHOWTO we share ideas to make crafts with plastic bottles and give your home a unique and original touch.

You may also be interested in: How to Decorate my House with Recycled Materials
  1. As a magazine rack
  2. As containers for the bathroom
  3. As vases
  4. Urban orchard
  5. Lamp shades
  6. Crafts for kids
  7. Plastic bottle candle holders
  8. Dry food containers
  9. Plastic bottle instrument

As a magazine rack

A good idea to decorate using plastic bottles is using such packaging as a magazine rack. Given the rounded shape of the bottles, they are ideal to place in horizontal position and after cutting off the top section of the bottle hang them in a metallic support on the wall. You will add an original bit of furniture to the room as seen in the image and, above all, barely spend any money. Give it a try!

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - As a magazine rack
Image: decorablog

As containers for the bathroom

Forget having the tooth brush lying on the side or leaving make up brushes in toiletry bags: now, with the bottom of the plastic bottles you can make original containers, perfect to hold everything all these items.

To do so you simply cut the lower part of a bottle (try to find one with colours to achieve a better effect), and iron the exposed edges you have cut with a bit of hot air, this will stop them from being sharp and cutting. Put these in your bathroom and enjoy a unique and ecological container.

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - As containers for the bathroom
Image: mycutecorner

As vases

This is one of the most vintage style ways to decorate using plastic bottles. The trick consists in painting containers in a pastel colour and give them a layer of gloss to get a bright and luminous effect.

Then, we only need to choose the flower you like most and put it into the plastic bottle. The retro touch will be achieved in the simplicity of the decoration, in other words, place just one or two flowers without it being over decorated.

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - As vases
Image: decoracion.vilssa

Urban orchard

Plastic bottles are also items which are very useful to cultivate our own urban orchard. For this, we only need plastic bottles (as many as you want, each bottle will contain a specific plant or vegetable), screws, scissors, fine rope and a pencil.

You can also paint them with spray paint for a brighter effect or you can choose to place them on the floor too. Choose the best plants to add to your vertical garden or urban orchard.

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - Urban orchard

Lamp shades

Plastic bottles can also easily be turned into light shades easily and the best part is that your imagination is the only limit. An easy way to create a lamp shade out of a plastic bottle is to cut the top and bottom off three water bottles, spray them with a light-colored spray paint lightly, and glue them securely to each other in the shape of a flower.

Check out more ideas on our article How to make a lampshade with waste material.

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - Lamp shades

Crafts for kids

Plastic bottles are excellent to create crafts with children too as long as they are supervised by an adult while using scissors.

For example, you can create an easy flower pot with only half a plastic bottle and an old CD, or you could make a flower out of a plastic bottle too!

If you have children, a good craft with plastic bottles is to take large water bottles and turn them into friendly monsters that are used for storing toys that are always scattered around the room. For this you can copy what we show you in the picture, which is to make a big hole in the front of the bottle, like a mouth, and then decorate it with colored construction paper to represent the faces of these funny little characters.

The mouth is the place where the child can get the toys out, so to avoid them cutting themselves with plastic, we recommend you line it with plastic or stick some fabric. Your child you will love it!

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - Crafts for kids

Plastic bottle candle holders

A good way to re-use plastic bottles is by cutting the bottom of them off and turning them into original candle holders. For this you can choose to use it as is, putting a piece of cloth on top to prevent the plastic cutting you or, if you prefer, you can decorate it with paints or fabrics to hide its true origin.

This craft is very simple because you only have to cut the bottom of the bottle off, protect the plastic with a cloth or tape and put a small candle inside. The result is different and very original. What do you think? You can also easily make a candle holder out of a tin can too.

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - Plastic bottle candle holders

Dry food containers

These bottles can also serve as food storage containers for the pantry. Rice, pasta or beans can be placed in these bottles instead of leaving them in their bags. For a more original touch, at OneHowTo we suggest you do as we show in the picture and cut two bottles in half and use the bottoms of both. You can use one half to store food and the other to cover it to protect it from dust.

To give a more original touch, you can also opt for painting and decorating it however you want. You can, for example, put cardboard on each that specifies what is in each container, you can also paste a picture or comic strip that will give a fun and different look to your kitchen. Try it!

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - Dry food containers

Plastic bottle instrument

If you have children, this craft is perfect because it reuses plastic bottles but also creates a fun tool that your child is sure to love. For maracas we need bottles that are of a small size.Then fill them with small stones or rice and close them so the filling does not fall out.

Add a stick in the end so that they can be held and make the expected noise. To give a more fun touch to the instrument, paint and decorate it with fun colors. Take a look at how to make other instruments with waste material at home.

How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles - Plastic bottle instrument
How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles -

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles, we recommend you visit our Interior Design and Decor category.

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Image: decorablog
Image: mycutecorner
Image: decoracion.vilssa
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How to Make Crafts with Plastic Bottles