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How to Make the Perfect Bed

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: July 17, 2024
How to Make the Perfect Bed

Getting a good night's sleep plays a vital role in a person's general well-being. Resting properly not only helps you to perform well throughout the day, it actually improves your brain function, mood, productivity, and heart health. On the other hand, insufficient or poor-quality sleep can cause all sorts of negative effects, both physical and psychological. The bed you sleep in plays a key role in fostering a good night’s sleep. It is also the place where you will spend almost a third of your life, so it must be as comfortable as possible.

Therefore, in order to guarantee a good night's rest, it is essential to have the perfect bed ready for you. Keep reading this OneHOWTO article, if you wish to learn some simple tips on how to enhance your bed in order to rest better and wake up ready to have a successful day.

  1. Owning confortable bed sheets
  2. Choosing the right matress
  3. Choosing the right pillow
  4. Enhancing the sleep enviroment
  5. Making the perfect bed

Owning confortable bed sheets

One of the first things you need to take into consideration when it comes to your bed is your set of bedsheets. A good quality set can make all the difference. But, how do you know how to choose the right set?

First, you should take into account the thread count. Thread count refers to the number of threads woven into a square inch of fabric. It is a key indicator in determining smoothness and durability. The higher the number, the better.

However, considering the type of cotton is also important. The best-known cotton is Egyptian cotton because its long fibers produce sheets that are thin and soft yet extremely strong and long-lasting. The second-best cotton in the world is called Pima. These two types of cotton are quite luxurious and are normally used in 5 stars hotels. They are also quite expensive, a good set of Egyptian cotton can cost over $500.

If your budget is tight, you should opt for sheets made of 100% cotton. These types of sheets are still quite soft, durable, and affordable. Avoid buying sheets that have a high percentage of synthetic materials (more than 30%) because they won't feel great and also can make you sweat during the night.

Take a look at this article if you wish to know more about how to properly wash cotton bedsheets.

How to Make the Perfect Bed - Owning confortable bed sheets

Choosing the right matress

Betting on a good mattress is one of the most important decisions when it comes to having the perfect bed. Nowadays, mattresses come in a great variety of firmness and sizes. Choosing the right mattress will depend greatly on your personal preferences, financial situation, and sleeping style. Here are some factors you need to consider in order to help you find the right mattress for you:

  • Age of the mattress: The age of the mattress can play a big role in deciding whether you require buying a new one. Generally speaking, the average lifespan of a mattress is 8 years, although this can differ depending on the brand and the materials.
  • The position you usually sleep in: Most people move around during the night and change positions while they sleep, but everyone has a favorite position to fall asleep in. Determining whether you are a side sleeper or a back sleeper will come in handy when deciding on the firmness of the mattress. Keep in mind that a good mattress is supposed to support your body and set the spine in a neutral alignment.
  • The materials: Mattresses are made in a great variety of materials, and each type has its benefits. The most common types are memory foam, innerspring, hybrid, latex, and adjustable air. Depending on the materials, the prices can also vary significantly. If you are unsure of what type to choose, the safe choice would be memory foam mattresses. This material provides the right amount of pressure relief at sensitive spots like the shoulders, hips, and lower back.

Choosing the right pillow

Choosing the right pillow is as important as choosing the right mattress. Pillows can also vary greatly in terms of sizes, shapes, and firmness. Deciding on one pillow can be a challenging task, and your personal preferences also play a key role in this decision. Keep in mind that a good pillow should keep your head, neck, and spine, all in neutral alignment. This helps avoid pain and aches in your body and guarantees a good rest.

These are some factors you should consider when choosing a pillow:

  • Fill: The filling of the pillow can also vary greatly, but the most used materials are memory foam, synthetic down, polyester fill, latex and cotton, and wool.
  • Size and shape: The size and shape of the pillows can differ depending on the country you are in, and you should keep this in mind when buying pillowcases. However, the most common size of a standard pillow is 20in by 26in.
  • Weight: Some people prefer lighter pillows because they are easier to move around, while others prefer heavier pillows. This is also a personal preference but keep in mind that the weight of the pillow will depend on the materials it's made of.

Keep reading this oneHOWTO article to find out how to properly clean your pillows.

Enhancing the sleep enviroment

You might already have the perfect bed with the appropriate sheets, mattress, and pillows, but if there is something wrong with your sleep environment, everything else is useless. We refer to the sleep environment as the space where you sleep. For most people, this means their bedroom, although it can vary depending on your lifestyle.

These are the most common variables that can affect your sleep environment:

Noise: Almost everyone agrees on the fact that it is easier to fall asleep in a quiet place. Even if you have managed to fall asleep, loud noises can wake you up or at least force you to come out of the deeper sleep stages. If your sleep environment is located in a noisy place, you should consider using a white noise machine (like a fan or a TV) or putting on earplugs.

Lighting: Generally speaking, it is better to sleep in darkness because the body’s natural circadian rhythm is based on the natural dark-light cycle of our ancestors. However, the amount of light, if any, in your sleep environment is also a very personal choice. Some people prefer to have a nightlight on in case they have to stand up during the night, while others prefer sleeping in absolute darkness. There are also people who prefer to let some daylight in, especially in the morning because it helps them to wake up naturally.

How to Make the Perfect Bed - Enhancing the sleep enviroment

Making the perfect bed

Last but not least, you should learn how to make the perfect bed in order to make it look appealing and well-kept. The act of making the bed in the morning also has some positive effects on your general mood. Making the bed right after waking up gives you a small sense of pride and satisfaction in having accomplished the first task of the day.

Follow these simple steps to ensure you start the day off with the right foot and with a beautifully made bed that makes you proud:

  • Make sure your bed skirt has the perfect length so that it barely grazes the floor
  • Before adding the bedding, protect your mattress with a zippered mattress protector to keep dust mites, pollen, and other household allergens away from your bed.
  • If you have patterned sheets, make sure to put your flat sheet upside down so that you can see the pattern at the top.
  • Depending on the weather, you can place a coverlet or a duvet on top to protect you from the cold. If you do, fold back both the sheet and the coverlet/duvet towards the end of the bed, so that the pattern of the flat sheet is visible.
  • Add the pillows and make sure you are also using pillow protectors. These are especially important since your face will be in direct contact with the pillow.
  • Layer with decorative pillows in front of the other pillows to make your bed even more inviting.
  • Smooth any wrinkles by pulling slightly from the corners.

Finally, make sure that you air the bed and the bedding at least once a week for a couple of hours. This helps to retain a fresh smell of the linens and the bedroom.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make the Perfect Bed, we recommend you visit our Interior Design and Decor category.

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How to Make the Perfect Bed