Preparing for hurricanes

How to Prepare for a Tornado or Hurricane

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Prepare for a Tornado or Hurricane

Tornadoes and hurricanes are deadly natural incidents related to extreme weather conditions. Understanding the way to adequately stay prepared for such devastating acts of nature is critical. Staying prepared for a tornado or hurricane can be extremely helpful in preventing loss of life, and sometimes loss of entire communities. So, how can you prepare for such types of prospective disasters? This will try to describe how to prepare for a tornado or hurricane.

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Steps to follow:


Make sure that you have made an emergency kit that you can use during a tornado or hurricane. This kit should include basic necessities, such as a first aid kit, prescription medicines, flashlight, battery powered radio, extra batteries, and food for at least 72 hours. You should keep enough water, along with dried or canned food. The food that you store should be ready-made and non-perishable, such as crackers and tuna. If you have an infant at house, do not forget the baby food or formula feed.

How to Prepare for a Tornado or Hurricane - Step 1

To prepare for a tornado or hurricane, be aware of your local weather conditions. Summer season is the perfect time for hurricanes, as ocean waters warm up and the wind speeds may increase up to as much as 150 miles per hour. If the temperatures are increasing and your area is prone to receive hurricanes or tornadoes often, then stay prepared with a radio to regularly listen to the latest weather related information. Also keep a watch on possible signs of a tornado, which include a low-lying, dark, large cloud, and a green tint in the sky. A large hail or a loud roar that seems like some freight train often indicates a coming tornado.

How to Prepare for a Tornado or Hurricane - Step 2

Select a room in your house where you can go to during a tornado or hurricane. This can be a basement, interior room or a storm cellar in your lowest floor. Make sure that the room you select does not have any windows. You can also arrange periodic drills to prepare your family members for a tornado or hurricane.


Know your area’s tornado warning systems. Different areas have different warning sirens or signals that can be used to alert the residents. You should know your area’s warning systems, and be on alert as soon as you hear them.


Tell everyone in your family where fire extinguishers and first-aid kits are located in your house. Make sure that your first aid kit and emergency kit are properly filled with the needed supplies. Teach your family members how to use the fire extinguisher and how to give first aid to each other. Also tell them when and how to turn off the gas, water and electricity supply in your house. Discuss a place where all family members should meet after a hurricane or tornado, in case a family member is not at home during an incident.

How to Prepare for a Tornado or Hurricane - Step 5

Photocopy and store some important documents in a water-proof and fire-proof place. Such documents should include the birth certificates, ownership certificates, social security cards, wills and insurance policies of all family members. It is better to make an inventory of your household items, especially high value items like paintings, jewelry and collectibles.


Arrange your house furniture in such a way that beds and chairs are kept away from mirrors, picture frames and windows. Keep large and heavy items on the lower shelves only. Store all dangerous materials like solvents and poisons in well-ventilated areas, away from your emergency water and food supplies.

How to Prepare for a Tornado or Hurricane - Step 7

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  • In the event of an evacuation, a great tip is to put a glass full of water in the freezer and leave a quarter floating on the water. If the quarter is on top when you come back, it means the power did not go off and your food did not defrost. If the quarter is at the bottom, it means your freezer defrost.
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How to Prepare for a Tornado or Hurricane