Test for hard water

How to Prevent Hard Water Scale

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: January 20, 2017
How to Prevent Hard Water Scale

If you are living in a high sediment area, then you must be aware of one of the most common household pest that just won’t go away, which is hard water scale. Water is ‘hard’ when it has high content of dissolved minerals in it. When this water evaporates, it leaves some mineral deposits behind on the surfaces, which is called hard water scale. This scale can have damaging effects on your dishwashers, hot water heaters, washing machines, and even your plumbing. You can identify it by seeing white residue and stains on your glassware, dishes and sinks. Take a look at this OneHowTo.com article to know how to prevent hard water scale.

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  1. Keeping the surfaces dry
  2. Cleaning the surfaces frequently
  3. Using a Water Softener
  4. Installing a water softening equipment

Keeping the surfaces dry

If you receive hard water in your home, then the best way to prevent hard water scale is to keep your surfaces dry. Taking care of this crucial step will definitely reduce the amount of residue and minerals accumulating on your wet surfaces. Although areas like sinks and showers have to frequently come in contact with hard water, you should not allow them to stay wet to long periods of time. Once you use the sink, dry it off as soon as possible. Wipe the sink and counter-tops dry after each use. You may use a towel or squeegee to keep the surfaces dry all the time.

How to Prevent Hard Water Scale - Keeping the surfaces dry

Cleaning the surfaces frequently

Hard water scale worsens over time, as more and more residue and minerals keep drying and accumulating on the surfaces. The longer you let them remain dirty, the more stubborn the stains will become and the more difficult it will become to clean the surfaces. Identify the areas in your house that are more prone to hard water scale, and make cleaning them a regular part of your everyday routine. Even before you see any signs of scale, spray the surfaces with lemon juice or vinegar at least once in a week. Let the solution sit for a few minutes and then wipe clean.

Using a Water Softener

The most effective and obvious method to prevent hard water scale is to avoid hardness in the water itself. There are water softeners available out there, which are efficient in removing excess minerals from your water. By using these water softeners, the minerals causing stains are eliminated from the water even before they enter into your appliances and faucets. By using these water softeners, you can be sure that you are receiving only soft water in your house and you are no longer washing your surfaces with mineral laden hard water.

Installing a water softening equipment

Washing and drying the faucets and surfaces after every use is not a practical solution to prevent hard water scale. Although it can help, it may not be possible for you and every member of your family to do this every time. So, the best you can do is to install a water softening equipment in your water tank or at the source of your water supply. You have to do this once, and then forget about it for a long time. It will require almost no effort from your part in future. It works by removing any hard water scale causing minerals right at the source, even before the water gets distributed in your plumbing system.

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How to Prevent Hard Water Scale