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How to Remove a Red Wine Stain From Clothes, Fabric and Carpets

Anaëlle Laurent
By Anaëlle Laurent. Updated: July 22, 2024
How to Remove a Red Wine Stain From Clothes, Fabric and Carpets

Who has not ever been having a drink with friends and seen a glass of wine spill on their tablecloth, blouse, pants or furniture? This situation horrifies us because wine stains are known to be difficult to remove. Thankfully, it is possible to remove wine stains.

In this oneHOWTO article, we're going to help you remove a red wine stain from any fabric, clothes, carpets, etc. These 8 effective methods will definitely do the trick for you!

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  1. Tips before removing a wine stain
  2. How to remove wine stains with baking soda
  3. How to remove red wine stains with vinegar
  4. How to remove red wine stains with liquid detergent
  5. How to remove red wine stains with milk
  6. How to remove red wine stains with hydrogen peroxide
  7. How to remove red wine stains with white wine
  8. How to remove red wine stains with bleach
  9. How to remove a red wine stain with salt

Tips before removing a wine stain

Before learning how to remove wine stains from any surface, you should take into account some basic tips, especially if it is your clothes that got stained. These three tips will save you a lot of time:

  • Act quickly: the first thing to do is stop the spread of the stain. Most likely, the spill occurred outside the home and you don't have the materials to remove it, so grab a napkin and place it loosely over the stain.
  • Do not rub the stain: avoid rubbing the stain at all costs. Even if it is everyone's first instinct, this would only fix the wine to the fabric and make the situation worse.
  • Do not expose the stain to heat: applying heat to a red wine stain can spread it further and cause it to dry.

How to remove wine stains with baking soda

Baking soda has properties that allow it to isolate and retain liquid residues found on a surface. This is why it is one of the most used products for removing wine stains. If you are wondering how to remove red wine stains from clothes with baking soda, follow these steps:

  1. Take a cup of water and dilute ½ cup of bicarbonate in it.
  2. Mix well until you get a uniform white paste.
  3. Pour the preparation on the stain and let it work.
  4. Once the mixture on your garment has dried, you will have to remove the traces of baking soda with a vacuum cleaner.

Another effective method is to mix baking soda with vinegar. You can create the same preparation but also add a tablespoon of this product to enhance this homemade cleaner. We also encourage you to check out our article about using baking soda to remove stains on clothes.

How to Remove a Red Wine Stain From Clothes, Fabric and Carpets - How to remove wine stains with baking soda

How to remove red wine stains with vinegar

White vinegar has cleaning properties due to its high alcohol content, benefits that help neutralize the reddish and purple pigments in red wine. The combination of vinegar with other products such as baking soda or liquid detergent is ideal to achieve the best result. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Pour a generous stream of white vinegar over the stain, preferably right away.
  2. Leave it on for 5 minutes without rubbing the stain.
  3. Take the garment to the washing machine and wash it as you normally would.
  4. If you wash the garment by hand, be sure to pour plenty of water on the stain and not scrub it.

If you want to increase the effect of the vinegar, you can always add the mixture of half a cup of vinegar with a teaspoon of baking soda. Leave it on the fabric for 5-10 minutes and then wash the garment as you normally would. You may also be interested in learning how to clean marble floors with vinegar.

How to remove red wine stains with liquid detergent

If you add the aforementioned properties of vinegar to liquid detergent, you can create a powerful homemade stain remover that will remove any traces of wine stains. These are the steps you should follow:

  1. In a saucepan, heat a cup of white vinegar and add a splash of liquid detergent.
  2. Do not bring the vinegar to a boil, as it could evaporate. You just have to heat it up.
  3. Soak the stained piece for 10 minutes.
  4. After this time, rinse the garment well without rubbing the stain and wash normally.
How to Remove a Red Wine Stain From Clothes, Fabric and Carpets - How to remove red wine stains with liquid detergent

How to remove red wine stains with milk

It is not surprising that milk is one of the star remedies for cleaning clothes, since it is full of bleaching properties capable of acting on the deepest stains. To learn how to remove stains from red wine with milk follow these steps:

  1. In a pot where the stained garment fits, heat up the milk.
  2. Remove from the heat before it boils and let it rest for a bit, without cooling completely.
  3. Put the piece in the milk and let it act for 10 minutes.
  4. Then wash the garment very well until all the milk residues are removed.

How to remove red wine stains with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a very powerful bleach for the most difficult to remove stains, which is why it should only be used with white garments. You can apply a couple of drops on the affected area and wait a few minutes for it to do its job. With that being said, the most effective way to remove red wine stains is by combining it with detergent:

  1. Mix ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide and ½ cup of liquid detergent. The action of both components will speed up the removal of dirt.
  2. Pour the mixture over the stain and let it act for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. As a result of mixing, bubbles will appear on the surface of the stain. Dry with a napkin or another absorbent paper and then wash the garment as you normally would.

If you're wondering how to remove red wine stains from white clothing, this is the safest and fastest option out there.

How to Remove a Red Wine Stain From Clothes, Fabric and Carpets - How to remove red wine stains with hydrogen peroxide

How to remove red wine stains with white wine

Another effective and curious method that you should know if you wonder how to remove a red wine stain quickly is to apply white wine, since the tannins of the white wine will neutralize the dark color of the red:

  1. Pour a good amount of white wine over the stain.
  2. With a sponge or cloth dampened with the same wine, tap the stain until it begins to clear. Don't scrub hard.
  3. If you see the surface starting to dry, pour in some more wine again.
  4. Let it act for a few minutes and, finally, wash the garment with soap and water.

How to remove red wine stains with bleach

Keep in mind that bleach is a powerful chemical that must be used very carefully to avoid damaging a garment. Therefore, apply this product only to garments that are completely white and that are not delicate. If you wonder how to remove red wine stains from already washed clothes, we advise you to try bleach, since it can act as a last resort option. Follow these instructions:

  1. In a pot full of water, dilute 5% bleach (that's just a little more than a splash).
  2. Soak the piece for 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse the garment twice, the first with just water and the second with detergent.
  4. Rinse the garment well to remove any bleach residue.

You may also be interested in our article about whitening clothes without bleach.

How to Remove a Red Wine Stain From Clothes, Fabric and Carpets - How to remove red wine stains with bleach

How to remove a red wine stain with salt

Our last method is one of the most effective. However, in order to remove red wine stains with salt, it is necessary to act very quickly. Once your garment has been stained, all you have to do is add salt on top and wait a few minutes until it absorbs all the liquid with its pigments.

After a few minutes, you can remove the salt from the fabric with a cloth and wash the garment as you normally would. We hope this article helped you remove the wine stain on your shirt, carpet or fabric. Let us know which method worked best for you in the comments!

If you want to read similar articles to How to Remove a Red Wine Stain From Clothes, Fabric and Carpets, we recommend you visit our Home cleaning category.

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How to Remove a Red Wine Stain From Clothes, Fabric and Carpets