Plants Perfect for Rainy Climates

While all plant species need water, some require more than others. This is why some species grow best in sunny and dry conditions, while others live in a wet, rainy climate. As living things, plants need water to be able to convert the light from the sun that they receive into nutritive elements on which to feed. This oneHOWTO list will show you all of the plants ideal for rainy weather and adore moisture.
Advantages of rainwater
First and foremost, it is necessary to list some factors that demonstrate the advantages of this type of climate on vegetation. Rainwater does not contain chlorine, something that is detrimental to the health of plants. In addition, raindrops clean dirt that has built up on the leaves during dry, hot days. Also, during heavy rainfall, rainwater seeps into the earth, taking nutrients that are on the surface and ensuring that the deeper roots can feed on these nutrients.

As a plant that thrives in a wet climate, cucumber -given the fact that it's a climbing plant - requires very moist soil. However, it should not be flooded with water as its roots do not withstand waterlogging. With regards to light, they survive best when they are in direct sunlight, as this facilitates optimal growth. The cucumber plant should ideally receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.

Mallow or hibiscus confederate rose requires large amounts of water. It is often found in swampy areas and is ideal as plant for a rainy climate. Known for its distinctive colour, it is a perennial plant that flowers between spring and autumn. At first these flowers are white, but as the plant gets older the flowers tend to take on an unusual pink tone. Regarding other care, it does not need to be pruned regularly. It's best to cultivate it at the beginning of spring, using 1.2 cm of organic fertiliser after planting it. This will ensure it retains moisture from the soil more easily.

Elephant ear
Furthermore, elephant ear is of tropical origin, where moist soil retains water, which is how they are able to grow properly. However, they do not grow well in direct sunlight or in high temperatures, where their large leaves may turn white. This plant can reach up to three and a half metres high and almost two metres an a half wide. Although they do like water, they do not tolerate waterlogged soils.

Autumn Fern
Also called Japanese shield fern, this plant requires moist soil along with good shade. However, it does not require abundant watering. Its brown leaves are evergreen, and its colour can vary turn a greenish hue in autumn. Furthermore, as it grows, it does not reach a metre in height or width. To find out more about this plant, we recommend reading our article on how to care for ferns.

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