Gardening & plants
Care for your garden and plants with our articles, We have plenty of information so that you can give your plants proper care and let them grow healthy to create a beautiful and scented garden.
71 articles

We should be aware of how versatile cinnamon can be in the kitchen. We may even know some possible benefits it can provide our body as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. It is less well known that cinnamon also has various benefits for our plants. Its composition include minerals such as...

Often if we have a problem with our plants, we first notice it in the tips of their leaves. If they have started to turn dry and become brown in color, it is a problem which needs to be resolved. If it is not, it may result in the death of the plant. You may think you may not need to worry if only the...

As every plant lover knows, plants can talk. It is important to observe them, because they show whether they are healthy and developing well or, on the contrary, if there is something wrong with them. There are a number of factors that can cause a plant's leaves to wrinkle, curl up and turn yellow.

Sulfur is a chemical element. Moreover, it is an essential macromineral for the correct development of all living beings. This does not exclude plants. It works by intervening in various cellular processes that take place within any organism. Sulfur is present in the substrate of plants, the substance which...

A poinsettia is a plant which is most commonly associated with the festive period. This is why it is often referred to as a Christmas plant. It is a beautiful red flowering plant which is noted for blooming during the colder months of the year. They bring joy to any home, but will need to be cared for...

Within the ficus genus of trees, there are many individual species. While they bear various similarities, it doesn't mean they all require the same care. One of the most widely appreciated is Ficus benjamina, commonly known as the weeping fig. This is a very forgiving plant and can be ideal for a small...

Milk is the first source of nutrition for mammals, even though many lose their tolerance later in life. Although we associate cow's milk and other types of milk as being beneficial to humans and animals, some see potential similar benefits to plant life. These benefits are said to stem from their nutritional...

Every leaf is a particular color due to the type of pigmentation found in the cell vacuoles. The most common green leaf is due to the presence of chlorophyll. Darker leaves or leaves of a different color will also contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis, but they also contain other pigments. In the case...

Potassium soap is a special type of soap which has two functions. Firstly, as a soap, it is used to clean. Secondly, it is an insecticidal agent. This means it has the power to kill insects. This makes it very useful for plants. It can kill aphids and other pests, but it does not contain chemicals which will...

While the basic care of plants requires us give them enough light, water appropriately and even fertilize them from time to time, cleaning their leaves is not something all home gardeners think to do. This is because it isn't always a necessary part of their care. But indoor plant leaves can get dirty, something...

Yellowing leaves is a common problem with houseplants, but it can happen in the garden just as easily. While a plant can suffer some yellow spotting and recover, leaves turning yellow is usually a sign of a problem which needs remedied. For us to help the plant, it is important we know why it is turning...

The hydrangea is a very recognizably flower according to its petal structure and shape. However, some people can be a little confused when they see one in a different color than they are used to. This is simply because hydrangea plants can be found in various colors. Regardless of color, they will need...

Even expert gardeners who take very good care of their plants can see white mold grow on plant soil from time to time. Outdoor plants are especially susceptible to this phenomenon. Some more amateur gardeners might not think it is something to worry about and let it lie on the soil. However, it is something...

Large-leaved plants are especially beautiful and eye-catching both indoors and outdoors. If you are looking for something to spruce up your garden with broaded-leaved plants, we have options for you here which come in various shades of green. Do remember that wherever you place these large-leaf plants,...

We take it for granted that a garden or some sort of fauna is a part of the home. Whether you have massive lawns or a tiny balcony, using plants to decorate our homes has many benefits. It not only looks beautiful, but it keeps our air fresher and helps to instill a sense of calm. Since there are so many...

Pansy flowers are hybrid plants derived from Viola tricolor, the wild pansy. Scientifically known as Viola x wittrockiana, they interbred naturally in Northern Europe and became what we now call the garden pansy. At present, there are a large varieties and types of pansy, varying in size and color. In addition,...

Bulb plants have been able to evolve and adapt to climatic conditions. Such adaptation allows them to survive less favorable periods and to flower strongly when the climate is more suitable. The fact their water and food reserves are underground means they have a greater capacity to survive even when...

Although it may seem simple, in order to be successful in caring for houseplants it is important to know the finer details. Many people complain their plants grow very slowly and this may be due to various factors. These include the type of irrigation, exposure to the sun, temperatures of the home or the...

Thanks to globalization, we are able to grow exotic plants in climates which are vastly different from their native homelands. Our homes and gardens are filled with flora which show how beautiful nature can be and it is a privilege to get to enjoy them. However, one of the reasons we are able to do so...

Plant care takes many forms. Giving them enough sunlight and water are considered essentials, but protecting them from potential parasites is also vital. If we neglect this aspect of their care, they can destroy the plant and it won't matter how much water or light we provide. One of the most common are...

The bird of paradise flower (Strelitzia reginae) is a plant of tropical origin, specifically from Baja California (the Mexican state). It is visually striking and well-known for its distinctive orange sepals and blue petals which give the plant its name. This is because it looks like the beak of certain...

Before purchasing a plant to bring home, you need to know whether you have a home which can accommodate it. This means having the correct environment for them, but it doesn't necessarily mean we have to live in the climate of their origin. Since we can control the climate of our home, keeping indoor plants and...

All plants need the correct care to grow properly. Plants in the wild will grow according to their environment. Even slight changes in said environment can affect growth and reproduction. We need to be able to replicate the ideal conditions for each plant, whether in the garden or indoors. The ponytail...

Not only is having a plant in your home somewhat therapeutic but incorporating nature inside the home can change the entire atmosphere for the better! Plants can help deter illness, clean air and are a great type of home decoration.
Larger and taller plants are great if you are wanting to separate spaces...

The silver satin satin pothos (Scindapsus pictus), sometimes known as the silver vine, is an example of a wild plant which has become popular inside the home. As this plant is a ‘climber’ it can grow up to 10 foot tall in the wild. Climbers are vines which means they can spread over certain areas, but...

Cacti, with their diverse shapes, sizes, and even blooming flowers, have exploded in popularity in recent years. Their interesting textures and sculptural forms create a focal point, adding a touch of nature and artistic flair to any decor. However, according to Feng Shui principles, these prickly plants...

Flowers are always considered to be a perfect medium to express emotions and to show expressions that words can’t. They have been used since ages to communicate feelings without words. Among the millions of flowers in this nature, roses have captured our attention since times immemorial. No other flowers...

low difficulty
Rue is a very lively-looking perennial plant that can grow up to 1 meter high. It is very pretty with alternating leaves, stems shaped like branches that are blue-green and striking yellow flowers. There has always been a magical power attributed to this plant, in fact it was thought that if it dried...

medium difficulty
Devil’s ivy is an extremely easy-to-grow plant that adapts to almost all indoor environments. It can survive well without any soil or sunlight. Whether you keep it in a warm or a cool room, it will serve well in a hanging basket or a tabletop planter. It has big heart shaped leaves that may have yellow...

low difficulty
low difficulty
Roses are the most romantic and sensual flowers in the world. They are a great example of love and affection and therefore bouquets of roses are among the most common gifts between couples. There are different colours of roses and, besides the classic red rose we can also find blue Roses, yellow, white,...

medium difficulty
medium difficulty
Known as "impatiens", jewelweed or just touch-me-not, these plants, which come in different colors, are very common in terraces and gardens. Coming from tropical areas, in winter it is necessary to take into account some considerations for these plants so they manage to survive at low temperatures. If...

low difficulty
low difficulty
A widely used vegetable in our kitchens is eggplant, also known as aubergine; a purple vegetable that can be used in a variety of dishes, as there are many ways to cook an eggplant. However, often when we go to the store or supermarket, we find aubergines at exorbitant prices or that just don't look...

low difficulty
low difficulty
Flowers are always a wonderful gift, because they allow us to convey feelings such as love, affection or happiness in a subtle and delicate way. They are also a decorative element that many people like to have at home to give the place a much warmer, more natural look. But before choosing the color...

Potato is an extremely versatile vegetable. It can be baked, boiled, steamed, mashed, fried and can be cooked in every possible way. As it is said, there is never a wrong way to cook potatoes. Growing this awesome vegetable in our own kitchen garden can prove to be a great investment as you would always...

The rose bush is undoubtedly one of the best plants to have in your garden. Regardless of the color - whether red, yellow, pink or white - this plant will look great wherever you put grow it. But rose bushes are as delicate as they are beautiful, so it is important to look after it really well.
While appropriate...

medium difficulty
Snake plant or sansevieria trifasciata is one of the most tolerant plants you will ever come across and is a great office plant. It grows almost automatically, and you can leave it neglected for weeks at a stretch. They can survive well even in low light conditions, and encounter very few insect related...

low difficulty
low difficulty
True blue roses are highly prized as garden decorations. Many people are interested in this type of rose, but sometimes they cost so much money. If you're thinking about finding natural blue roses and you cannot locate them, you can now make them yourself at your humble home. This is a very simple technique...

low difficulty
Blue roses are a species of flower that are a human creation, given that this pigment does not exist in nature. They are extraordinarily beautiful roses that have become more popular over time. These flowers, which are genetically modified, are patented by a Japanese company. Knowing how to grow them at home...

While all plant species need water, some require more than others. This is why some species grow best in sunny and dry conditions, while others live in a wet, rainy climate. As living things, plants need water to be able to convert the light from the sun that they receive into nutritive elements on which...

low difficulty
A dragon tree plant, not to be confused with a Canary Islands dragon tree, is a charming tropical plant for indoor or outdoor decoration. Its hanging leaves combine green and yellow tones and these go well in multiple areas of the home. Also, if you have an adult dragon tree plant, you should know that...

medium difficulty
Sometimes known as 'Christmas berry', Photinias have been commonly seen as festive plants, particularly due to their illustrious mix of red and green. However, this association with a winter festival belies the fact it its natural habitat is warm parts of Asia. It has been cultivated in gardens all...

The olive tree is part of the traditional, sun-kissed landscapes of far flung Southern Europe. So much so that olives and olive trees appear in numerous poems. And it's no wonder, because thanks to this tree we get delicious and healthy foods that form an important part of the Mediterranean diet. But...

low difficulty
Have your plants been chewed and you thought it was by aphids but has actually been caused by locusts? Locusts have chewing mouth parts and feed on plants. Normally, locust females lay their eggs in autumn and their brood, which cannot fly, are born in the spring. For this reason, they feed on leaves...

low difficulty
The flowers of this shrub open and release odor when the sun sets, which explains its name: lady of the night . It is also known as night-blooming jasmine, night-blooming cestrum, queen of the night, night-blooming jessamine, and Hasnühana. Lady of the night easy to look after as the care required is basic...

low difficulty
Pumpkins are usually grown in a warm climate and transform from plants to edible vegetables during the summer. However, this sweet food is susceptible to external insects and bugs that are capable of putting an end to such a rich harvest. If you like pumpkins and have some in your garden, pay attention to the...

low difficulty
It's convenient to grow stevia at home in order to take advantage of its many beneficial properties for the human body. Being a tropical plant, it's necessary to consider some recommendations as to its basic care so it can grow properly. If you want to know how to care for stevia. Do not miss these tips...

low difficulty
Aphids are among the most common pests of plants, small insects that are responsible for sucking the sap from leaves, deforming them and endangering their health. Although you can find specific products for getting rid of them in shops that specialise in gardening, other natural solutions exist which will help...

low difficulty
Mealybugs are one of the most common pests that are harmful and can affect your plants, as well as other well-known aphids. A lack of humidity is one of the main reasons why this parasite appears, which absorbs nutrients from plants. Rest assured that in this OneHowTo article we'll show you how to get...

low difficulty
Nothing better to spice up your home than some gorgeous flowers. Flowers are also a great way to show affection to a loved one, and we all know that a red rose means love. Each and every flower and its colour is linked to a concept. Tulips are no exception. Tulips are the most popular type of flower and...

low difficulty
The Chilean bellflower, copihue or Lapageria rosea, is a type of ornamental plant. It is found in many gardens, because of its showy and large bell-shaped flowers which make them very beautiful plants. This plant is actually the national flower of Chile. The colors are bright, with tones of red, fuchsia...