Grow Indoor Plants

How to Care for Silver Satin Pothos

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: July 24, 2024
How to Care for Silver Satin Pothos

The silver satin satin pothos (Scindapsus pictus), sometimes known as the silver vine, is an example of a wild plant which has become popular inside the home. As this plant is a ‘climber’ it can grow up to 10 foot tall in the wild. Climbers are vines which means they can spread over certain areas, but domestic silver satin pothos used as houseplants tend to be a little less tall, usually growing to around 3 feet. While it is technically a flowering plant, the silver satin pothos rarely blooms in domestic settings. It is more widely known for its variegated leaves. This means it has both green and non-green parts. In the case of the silver satin pothos, the variegation is silver in color.

If you want to know how to care for silver satin pothos plants, oneHOWTO looks into what you need to do to help this plant thrive. We do so by detailing where to keep it, what to feed it and what you need to do for maintenance.

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  1. How much light does silver satin pothos need?
  2. How much water does a silver satin pothos need?
  3. In what sort of climate does the silver satin pothos thrive?
  4. Do you need fertilizer for the silver satin pothos?
  5. Additional care for silver satin pothos

How much light does silver satin pothos need?

With the silver satin pothos, it is all about balance. If you give them too much light, you will end up scorching the leaves. This will give them a dry appearance and will lead to the death of the plant. However, if they do not get enough light, silver vines will also not thrive. Their variegation color will be lost, no longer providing the beautiful sharp silver patterns.

Fortunately, as an evergreen plant, the silver satin pothos can last a long time and will thrive year round. Ideally, you should leave the plant in indirect sunlight, but ensure there is plenty of light in the room. Don't hide it in a corner or expect it to thrive in the dark. If you leave it outside, ensure it is also in indirect sunlight. However, silver satin pothos need a temperate climate, so do not leave outside in cold weather (see below).

How much water does a silver satin pothos need?

While we know the silver in its name comes from the color of its variegated leaves, the satin element stems from their texture. Soft and smooth to the touch, they have the feel of the material of their namesake. Being properly watered will ensure they are not dry and will keep their muted vibrancy.

You won't normally have to water them every day, unless the weather is particularly hot and arid. Once the top once inch of soil is dry, you should water the silver satin pothos. Do not saturate the water. If there is too much water the silver satin pothos’ leaves will turn yellow. Although the top inch to dry and then top up.

How to Care for Silver Satin Pothos - How much water does a silver satin pothos need?

In what sort of climate does the silver satin pothos thrive?

When considering silver pothos plant care, you need to think about the general climate in which they optimally grow. The important factors here are climate and temperature.

Silver satin pothos ideal temperature

Silver satin pothos need to be in enough warmth to thrive. Fortunately, this range is between 18ºC/64ºF to 29ºC/84ºF. Do not let the silver vine get to cooler temperatures than this, otherwise they may be damaged irreparably.

Silver satin pothos ideal humidity

The ideal humidity for the silver satin pothos is about 50% or slightly under. This means they can be great when kept in the bathroom or kitchen. If you live somewhere particularly dry, you will need to use a humidifier or water tray, especially if you see the leaves drying out.

Do you need fertilizer for the silver satin pothos?

The silver satin pothos should do well in a standard house plant potting soil. However, in the hotter months, this plant will need a little extra help. This plant will have more active growth in spring to summer. During this time, you should use a fertilizer of about 20-20-20 mix and then diluted in water by half.

Additional care for silver satin pothos

While you need to be careful with overfeeding and overwatering, the silver satin pothos should still be relatively hardy. This is why it is a very popular house plant. If the leaves do become brown or yellow, you can prune them with some simple pruning shears. Snip stems just where the leaf touches it and this should help promote proper regrowth. Ensure your shears are sharp.

If the plant shows signs of disease, you will need to prune these areas also. These will be seem in the form of decay or discoloration. If you want to grow more plants form our silver satin pothos, you can do so by taking a 4" cutting and inserting it into a moist potting mix.

While some people may confuse the two plants, it is important to remember that the silver satin pothos is not the same plant as devil's ivy. If you want to know more about caring for this plant, look at our article on devil's ivy plant care.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Care for Silver Satin Pothos, we recommend you visit our Gardening & plants category.

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1 comment
My Satin Pothos plant has grown a new thin spike a good 2 1/2 ft tall with 4 new leaves on top. Is this ok? Is it normal for this plant? I find it amazing. Any advice would be welcome. Thank you so much. Lynne
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Lynne,

It just sounds like you have a very healthy plant, not something you should be worried about!
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How to Care for Silver Satin Pothos