How to Take Care of a Snake Plant

Snake plant or sansevieria trifasciata is one of the most tolerant plants you will ever come across and is a great office plant. It grows almost automatically, and you can leave it neglected for weeks at a stretch. They can survive well even in low light conditions, and encounter very few insect related problems. In addition, they are helpful in keeping the inside air clean, and removing toxins like benzene and formaldehyde from the home. Here at oneHOWTO, we are sharing a few tips on how to take care of a snake plant.
Steps to follow:
First of all, when you plant the snake plant, always start with a good potting medium. Do not plant it in the garden soil at first. You can transplant it to garden soil only when the roots of the plant start coming out of the pot after breaking it through.
As far as placing the snake plant is concerned, make sure that you keep it in correct light conditions. You may put it in north, west or east on a windowsill all through the year. But if you have a window facing south, put the pot around one foot away towards the window’s side, especially if you are living in the northern hemisphere. Make sure to give bright fluorescent light to the plant, which will be enough for the plant to keep flourishing.
To care for a snake plant, if your window receives intense sunlight in the day, make sure to use sheer drapes for filtering it. Also remember to turn the pot a little bit every week to ensure that every part of the plant receives uniform light.

A snake plant does not need frequent watering, especially if you are living in a cold climate or if you have kept the pot in an air conditioned room. This plant has heavy leaves that have enough water retained in them already. So, do not water the plant unless the pot feels quite dry and leaves start drooping.
The water that you give to the plant should be at room temperature, and prefer rainwater or distilled water if possible. If you are giving tap water, keep it untouched for 48 hours first so that the fluorides and chlorine dissipate. When you water, pour the water along the plant’s sides and keep it away from the leaf clump’s center.
A snake plant should be fertilized once during the spring. Use a houseplant fertilizer that you should mix exactly as per the instructions. Mix the fertilizer in the watering container and fertilize the plant in the spring.
Snake plant leaves should be regularly wiped off with a damp cloth, especially if dust accumulates on them. Don’t wash them, as this plant does not require frequent watering. You should look for symptoms of dryness before you water it, such as dry leaves. Usually, they can be left without watering for 2-3 weeks.

You should transplant a snake plant only if it grows out of the pot you used initially. You may see the roots coming out of the small pot’s drain holes. This indicates that it needs a bigger space to flourish fully. Thoroughly water after transplanting and add soil when it settles.
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