Plant care

Rice Water for Plants Benefits

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: November 21, 2021
Rice Water for Plants Benefits

Rice water has many benefits in various applications, including those for your skin and haircare routines. It is present in natural toners and masks, for example. You may not be aware it can be just as valuable in horticultural usage, especially when used as a natural fertilizer. It can benefit the well-being and the correct development of your plants, both indoors and those in a garden or on a balcony.

In this oneHOWTO article, discover the rice water for plants benefits. We show you our guide on how to prepare and use rice water for plants in your home or garden.

You may also be interested in: How to Properly Water Your Plants in the Spring
  1. Benefits of rice water for plants
  2. How to prepare rice water for plants
  3. How to use rice water for plants.

Benefits of rice water for plants

Rice is a nutrient-rich cereal. Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc are just some of the minerals contained in each of its grains. It has a high starch content. This is a carbohydrate that makes rice a high-energy food. When preparing rice water for use on our plants, all those healthy nutrients can pass into the plant and its substrate. By using rice water on plants, we can provide a simple way to impart important benefits.

These are the main benefits of watering the plants with rice water:

  • Extra nutrition: its rich composition makes rice water an ally for the health of your plants. Many of the precious minerals it contains remain in the soaking or cooking water. When we use this water for irrigation, the plant can absorb them directly through its roots. In plants that are still growing or which have become weak for any reason, rice water can be a powerful revitalizer and is the best alternative to chemical fertilizers. If you have a garden, it will also work as a powerful source of extra energy for your vegetables.

  • It favors photosynthesis: the starch dissolved in the rice water provides the plant with extra energy that favors the correct development of all its vital functions, including the photosynthesis process. This is something that should be taken into account during winter, when there is a reduction of sunlight hours.

  • Improves the substrate and prevents the appearance of pests: the presence in the soil of starch sugars will not only nourish the substrate on which plants feed, it will also promote the appearance of beneficial bacteria. These bacteria contribute to decomposition of organic remains and also help fight pathogenic microorganisms that can affect the health of the plant. These include parasites and pests.

  • Smoother and brighter leaves: the rice water sprayed on the leaves causes the nutrients to be deposited directly on them, making them look shinier and more beautiful.

For more ways to help your plants grow naturally, take a look at our article on natural fertilizers to make at home.

How to prepare rice water for plants

Few natural and homemade fertilizers are as simple to prepare as rice water. You can prepare rice water for plants in two ways:

Easy rice water for plants

  1. The first step is to make a rice water that is beneficial for your plants, without adding any harmful substances, is to wash the grains to remove any particles of dirt, pollution or chemical products that may have adhered.
  2. Put the rice (about a cup) in a colander and wash it for a few seconds under the tap with cold water.
  3. Once washed, place the rice in a bowl of water (one cup of rice to three or four of cold water).
  4. Wait about 5 minutes for the nutrients, including starch, to dissolve in the water. Stir from time to time to favor this process.
  5. Strain the rice again but this time collecting the rice water in an appropriate container so that you can use it. You can leave it over night for maximum effect.

Boil rice water for plants

  1. Another option is, once the rice is washed, boil it in plenty of water. Prepare an amount as we have indicated before, or add a little more water. How much will depend on the type of rice as some is more absorbent than others.
  2. Put the pot or saucepan on the burner and wait for it to boil.
  3. Once you see that it has boiled for a while and the water has taken on the typical color of rice, this means that its nutrients have passed into the water. You can turn off the heat and strain the rice, keeping the water in a separate container.
  4. In this case, it is important not to add salt to the rice (or any other ingredient) and remember that before using the water for your plants, you must wait until it is completely cold.
Rice Water for Plants Benefits - How to prepare rice water for plants

How to use rice water for plants.

Follow these tips to use rice water on plants:

  • Just as you do not add fertilizer to the water every time you water your plants, it is not advisable to abuse the rice water either. Always take into account the water needs of each plant. The ideal is to add rice water for irrigation every 15 days or once a month.
  • It is preferable to always dilute it in plain water, in a 1:2 ratio (half water and half rice water).
  • At the time of watering you can pour the mixture directly into the substrate that surrounds the plant. You can also apply it using a vaporizer on the leaves, as long as they are plants that accept this type of irrigation. Another possibility is to put the mixture in a dish under the pot, which is called immersion irrigation, so that the plant gradually absorbs what it needs.

If you liked this homemade fertilizer and want more ideas for using natural products, such as rice water for plants, take note of these other articles on can you water your plants with milk? and how to use potassium soap for plants.

If you want to read similar articles to Rice Water for Plants Benefits, we recommend you visit our Gardening & plants category.

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Rice Water for Plants Benefits