La mejor manera para regar las plantas

How to Water Plants in Summer

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: July 10, 2024
How to Water Plants in Summer

Summer is a particularly critical time for watering plants. Summer arrives and the days are long, very sunny and the temperature, both day and night, is high, so we must change our watering habits. Too little or too much water is not good for your plants, and determining the right amount can be challenging. Therefore, it is critical to know how to care for plants in the summer, which plants to prioritize and to consider some factors to ensure that watering is beneficial and not harmful.

In this oneHOWTO article, we explain in detail how to water plants in the summer.

You may also be interested in: How to Properly Water Your Plants in the Spring

Steps to follow:


While it is true that we should water plants more often in the summer than in the winter, we should never make the mistake of watering them too much because we think they need more water because of the heat. Over watering will only cause the roots to rot and the plant to die.

Test the soil with your finger before you water to make sure your plants actually need to be watered in the first place. Poke a few inches deep into the soil near the trunk to test the root zone. Even if the surface appears dry, there may still be moisture underneath.

There are many studies that indicate that milk can provide many benefits to plants. These benefits are said to come from its nutritional value, but also from its ability to keep pests away. Read this other article on can you water your plants with milk to learn more.


As for the frequency of watering, one or two waterings per week is usually sufficient. As a general rule, it is better to water less frequently but with plenty of water than to water often with little water. Too much water can be just as damaging to these plants as too little. Besides, plants benefit much more from slow, deep watering than from a quick splash. Be sure to water deeply enough to reach the root ball.

If you live in a rainy environment and the summers are not so hot and dry, you might want to read this other article about plants that are perfect for rainy climates.


Contrary to what many people think, it is best to water in the morning. This allows the water to soak in before it evaporates due to heat and dry winds, allows the leaves to dry out when sprayed, and gives the plants the moisture they need during the heat of the day.

Late afternoon is second best. Just make sure that the foliage is dried before nightfall.

Avoid watering during the heat of the day, as the water will evaporate much faster, and over-spraying the leaves can cause burns. The combination of sun and water drops acts like a magnifying glass.


When it comes to watering gardens in summer, rather than potted plants, it is more beneficial to water abundantly two or three times a week than every day. This is because short watering leaves water on the surface and evaporates quickly. Adequate watering means that the water must reach the roots sufficiently. Too little water often covers only the top soil.

Rice water has many benefits in various applications, including your skin and hair care routine. In this other article, you will learn more about the many benefits of watering your plants with rice water.


Plants, whether they are planted directly on the ground or in a pot, should be watered directly at the base so that the water penetrates better. Vessels dry out much faster than the soil and need to be watered more often, especially if they are in full sun or exposed to the wind.

Also, avoid getting leaves, fruits or vegetables wet to prevent diseases that thrive on moisture.

It is advisable to cover the soil with gravel or pine bark to retain moisture longer.


If you are planning to go on vacation for more than a week, you need to hire someone to take care of your plants or garden to prevent them from dying due to lack of water. Fortunately, there are also some systems and tricks to water while you are away:

  • There are several devices for automatic watering that you can buy and that are not that expensive. One of the simplest and most effective is the clay cone waterer, which delivers water evenly and continuously.

  • You can also place the end of a cotton string in a bucket of water and bury the other end in the soil of the plant or pot. In this way, the plant absorbs the water by capillary action when it needs it.

  • Finally, you can also reuse plastic bottles for deep watering. Poke holes in the bottle and bury it next to the plants so that the top opening is exposed. Fill water into the bottle through the top opening and the water will seep deeper into the soil.

Finally, Finally, you need to consider light exposure. For houseplants, leave some slits in the blinds while you are away, so the plants get some light. Place outdoor plants in the shade if possible.


Now that you know how to water plants in the summer, do not miss this other article on how to water plants in the spring. Happy gardening!

If you want to read similar articles to How to Water Plants in Summer, we recommend you visit our Gardening & plants category.

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How to Water Plants in Summer