Removing Oil Stains From Jeans

Discovering that your jeans have new oil stains is more common than we would like it to be, and oil stains on clothing are the most common kind. Before throwing them away, we usually try to get rid of these spots with practically every product we have lying around the house in hopes for a miracle. But rarely do we succeed since we don't know what the right products are to remove these types of stains from our favourite jeans. If your jeans were stained and you don't know what to do, we'll show you how to remove oil stains from jeans in this OneHowTo article.
Steps to follow:
Oil stains on jeans can be removed with specific products for this type of fabric that can be found in any supermarket or with home remedies. Home products are much cheaper and, depending on how we use them, are less harmful to the denim.
Remove oil stains on jeans with dishwashing detergent
Using dishwashing detergent is one of the most powerful and effective ways to remove these types of stains from our denim jeans. Cover the oil stain with a little dishwashing detergent, rub it with your fingertips to generate a little foam and throw the garment in the washing machine and wash with warm water. Try to use high-quality dishwashing detergent for best results. Laundry detergent is also very effective and is applied in the same way as the dishwashing detergent.

Remove oil stains on jeans with talcum powder
If you immediately catch the oil stain, cover it with talcum powder or corn starch and let it sit for a few hours. Both the talcum powder and the corn starch are absorbent products that capture the fat and oil and remove them from the denim. A few hours later, remove the talcum powder and, if the stain is large, repeat the above step. If it's small, put the jeans in the wash.

Remove oil stains on jeans with bar soap
Homemade soap is one of the oldest and most effective degreasers to remove oil stains from jeans. Make your own soap or use one you already have, wet it with warm water, rub it on the stain, both on the top of the garment and on the other side, and leave it for a few hours to absorb the oil. Then wash the jeans as usual.
Remove oil stains on jeans with lemon
Lemon is another very effective home remedy for removing oil stains on jeans. Apply lemon directly to the stain, let it stand for a few minutes and wash the garment in the washing machine as usual

Remove oil stains on jeans with pinol or baking soda
Pinol and baking soda are very effective products in removing oil stains on jeans, but both can fade the stain area because they are more aggressive than the aforementioned products. Pour some pinol onto the stain, let it stand for a few minutes and throw it in the wash. If the stain is large, after letting the pinol act, perform step 2.
If you're going to use baking soda, first moisten the oil stains on jeans with warm water, cover the stain with baking soda, leave it on for a few minutes and rub it with a soft brush. Repeat the process if necessary.

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