Cleaning shoes
Cleaning shoes, you will find practical information written by experts about cleaning shoes in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
6 articles

Our shoes help to take care of our feet, protecting them from the elements and from the ground. Keeping them in good condition keeps our feet in good condition. Not only should they have good tread and support our arches, but they should be clean. Bad odors in our shoes come from fungus and bacteria which...

We can do a lot to try to keep our white shoes white, but keeping the soles clean is especially difficult. Unless we only walk on surfaces without any dust or dirt, keeping them grime-free is practically impossible. For this reason, we need to find different ways to keep white sneakers clean. If you are careful,...

There's nothing quite like that feeling of slipping on a brand-new pair of shoes. But that excitement can quickly fade if you discover colored socks (or worse, stained feet!) after your first wear. Shoe dye transfer is not only a fashion faux pas, but it can also damage your clothes in the long run.

low difficulty
The hygiene of your dancewear is very important, and nothing makes more of a difference than perfect pointe shoes. While ballet slippers can be submerged and rubbed with dishwasher soap and a toothbrush, pointe shoes take more work.
Pointe shoes have wooden blocks at the front, so you must be very careful...

medium difficulty
Converse shoes, also known as Chuck Taylors, are popular and elegant sport trainers that can be used to for a comfortable look every day. Most shoes can be washed in the washing machine, but in these cases you run the risk of the design fading from the shoes and the rubber sole cracking. To preserve your...

It's happened to everyone; removing your trainers at someone's house only to discover a cloud of potent foot odor emerging from your trainers. With a few simple techniques, you can eliminate that foot odor for good. Do you not know how to get rid of unpleasant smells from your shoes? Do you not wear your...