Plants - Other
Plants - other, you will find practical information written by experts about plants - other in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
5 articles

As every plant lover knows, plants can talk. It is important to observe them, because they show whether they are healthy and developing well or, on the contrary, if there is something wrong with them. There are a number of factors that can cause a plant's leaves to wrinkle, curl up and turn yellow.

The hydrangea is a very recognizably flower according to its petal structure and shape. However, some people can be a little confused when they see one in a different color than they are used to. This is simply because hydrangea plants can be found in various colors. Regardless of color, they will need...

Large-leaved plants are especially beautiful and eye-catching both indoors and outdoors. If you are looking for something to spruce up your garden with broaded-leaved plants, we have options for you here which come in various shades of green. Do remember that wherever you place these large-leaf plants,...

Bulb plants have been able to evolve and adapt to climatic conditions. Such adaptation allows them to survive less favorable periods and to flower strongly when the climate is more suitable. The fact their water and food reserves are underground means they have a greater capacity to survive even when...

Do you want to decorate your home with plants? There are many options to choose from, but it's never a bad thing to try to attract good omens. And popular wisdom says that there are some species of plants that attract good luck and ward off bad energy. So don't hesitate to read this OneHowTo article and...