Cleaning stainless steel

Can I Use Ammonia on Stainless Steel?

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia, Writer and researcher. Updated: January 20, 2017
Can I Use Ammonia on Stainless Steel?

Ammonium hydroxide, also known as household ammonia, is a cheap yet excellent cleaning agent that you can use to clean almost every item in your house. Most ammonia based cleaning solutions that you find in the market for household cleaning purposes contain only 5 to 10% of ammonia, and the rest is water. Ammonia solutions meant for commercial use contain as much as 30% of ammonia in them, but most of them are highly combustible and corrosive. Ammonia based cleaning solutions are highly effective in giving a streak free shine to most of your surfaces, including glass, porcelain and stainless steel, so the short answer is, yes. If you are still confused about can I use ammonia on stainless steel or not, then read on this article.

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  1. Ammonia as an excellent cleaning agent
  2. What you can clean with ammonia
  3. How to use ammonia to clean stainless steel
  4. Precautions to take while using ammonia

Ammonia as an excellent cleaning agent

Ammonia is a common household cleaning supply that is extremely useful for cleaning glass, surfaces, jewelry, utensils, etc. Sometimes, it can also be used as an effective disinfectant in your kitchen and bathroom. When exposed to air, ammonia turns into gas and gives a pungent odor. That is why, it is concentrated with water to make it lighter and safer.

What you can clean with ammonia

Ammonia is an exceptional all-purpose cleaner that you can use to clean your glass windows, tempered stove tops, porcelain fixtures, stainless steel utensils and surfaces, kitchen counters, microwave ovens and others. It is better to use it in a spray bottle so that it does not leave any spots on the surfaces. It can work wonders to remove water and soap spots from glass doors and mirrors in your washroom. But if you are using it on a delicate surface like cloth or wallpaper, then do a little patch test first to ensure that it does not leave any stains.

How to use ammonia to clean stainless steel

Fingerprints and water marks are two of the most common complaints that we have with stainless steel, and both of them can be easily taken care of with ammonia based cleaning solution. First of all, it is important to wash and clean your stainless steel utensils regularly. If you let the marks become permanent, it will be harder to remove them afterwards. Now if you have some marks on your stainless steel surfaces, then make an ammonia cleaning solution at home. Mix 7 cups water in 1 cup of household ammonia, dip a piece of cloth in this solution and rub the surface with this cloth. If the stains are too hard to go, you can soak your utensil in this solution for an hour and then rub off. The dirt will loosen by soaking and will come off easily.

Can I Use Ammonia on Stainless Steel? - How to use ammonia to clean stainless steel

Precautions to take while using ammonia

While ammonia is an excellent cleaning solution, you should take precautions to avoid any splash or inhalation. While using ammonia to clean anything, it is always recommended to keep the windows open, use gloves and wear glasses. People with breathing problem or lung disease should avoid using ammonia to prevent any trigger. Never ever let ammonia come in contact with bleach, as both, when mixed together, produce chlorine gas that can prove to be fatal for human beings. While using ammonia, if you feel woozy or see white spots in your vision, take it as a sign of lack of oxygen in your brain. Ventilate the area immediately and seek medical help if the condition worsens.

If you want to read similar articles to Can I Use Ammonia on Stainless Steel?, we recommend you visit our Home cleaning category.

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Gania Gutwaks
I have a question: my forks & knifes lost their shine after I’ve soaked them in Bar Keeper Friend. Is there a way to get the shine back?
OneHowTo Editor
It is odd that Bar Keeper's Friend made them worse as it is a good product to add shine. You could try this ammonia trick as explained in the article, but are you sure they have been shined correctly?
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Can I Use Ammonia on Stainless Steel?