Kitchen and utensils cleaning
Kitchen and utensils cleaning, you will find practical information written by experts about kitchen and utensils cleaning in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
15 articles

Cleaning your oven can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for maintaining a clean and safe kitchen. Over time, grime and grease can build up in your oven, leading to unpleasant smells, smoke, and even fires. Are you in possession of an oven that's in dire need of cleaning? If so, then you've come...

Even if it does not look like it, the sink is a real breeding ground for germs and bacteria. The sink is used several times a day, so it gets dirty easily. However, deep cleaning and removing odors from the sink is easier than you think. There are numerous special products on the market, but we can also...

Tupperware storage containers have become almost indispensable to store food in the fridge. But also to take food to work whenever necessary. Taking a lunch box to the office is a common practice, with tupperware being one of the handiest options for most of us. We usually use them to store and transport...

It happens to the best of us, you've gotten distracted when cooking and accidentally burnt your pan. Thankfully, there are many ways to clean your stainless steel pan.
In this oneHOWTO article we're going to show you 6 effective methods for cleaning a burnt stainless steel pan. You can also try this...

Plastic food containers are available in all different shapes, sizes and colors, and they are indispensable parts of any kitchen and household. Another benefit to using plastic containers is that they are much cheaper and safer than glass containers, because they don't break as easily. But when they get...

Most of our daily use items, such as perfume, sauces, jams and wine, com in glass jars or bottles. Some of these glass bottles are so beautiful that we can't bear to throw them away even when they become empty, and we want to reuse them as containers or even decoration. Sometimes these glass bottles come...

Ammonium hydroxide, also known as household ammonia, is a cheap yet excellent cleaning agent that you can use to clean almost every item in your house. Most ammonia based cleaning solutions that you find in the market for household cleaning purposes contain only 5 to 10% of ammonia, and the rest is...

medium difficulty
Cleaning burnt Teflon pans is an irritating task for sure. Although butter does not stick to Teflon surfaces, and food slides right out of its non-stick coating, sometimes it needs a trick to clean a burnt Teflon pan. Here are a few quick and easy solutions to clean a burnt Teflon pan and keep it performing...

An electric kettle has become a popular kitchen tool these days. It boils water much faster than a steel kettle, it also does that more affordably by not requiring to use a microwave oven. If you are also using one of these devices, you must be concerned about how to clean an electric kettle. It cannot go...

low difficulty
According to experts, it is advisable to extract your dishwasher blades twice a year so you can clean all the parts and, in turn, make sure the drainage apparatus is free from any dirt or food remains which do gather in there. Having perfectly clean blades will allow the dishwasher to function properly,...

low difficulty
Cleaning your oven is essential if you don't want it to become caked in grease, soot and food debris. However, the products used to clean your oven can leave a residual smell after it has been cleaned. This smell can linger and even taint the flavour of foods you bake in your oven. So if you want a clean...

When we think ceramic and glass as materials, we often picture delicate crockery or ornaments. This means it almost seems counterintuitive to have a ceramic stove top. With all the pots and pans banging against it, your glass ceramic stove top can take a few scratches. The scratches on your glass ceramic...

low difficulty
If you just purchased a clay pot it is very important not begin to use it without conducting a healing process. This ritual is performed because the pores of the clay are open, so by putting them in contact with heat the pot could crack and even explode.
There are several methods to cure pots and you should...

low difficulty
Recycling rubbish is a small gesture that can greatly help the environment and contribute to taking care of the planet. It means separating the rubbish properly that we generate daily and finding a new use for it. To recycle, you must put the rubbish in the proper container. In this article at

Someone called on the phone while you had your pot on the heat and has burnt the food? We have all been in similar situations in which our saucepan has ended up with a burnt bottom and there's no way of cleaning it. To get rid of the stuck food and leave your pot as if it was brand new, this OneHowTo article...