Plant caring

How to Care for a Lady of the Night Plant

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: June 13, 2019
How to Care for a Lady of the Night Plant

The flowers of this shrub open and release odor when the sun sets, which explains its name: lady of the night . It is also known as night-blooming jasmine, night-blooming cestrum, queen of the night, night-blooming jessamine, and Hasnühana. Lady of the night easy to look after as the care required is basic and very simple. oneHOWTO explains more about how to care for a lady of the night plant.

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Steps to follow:


First, you must choose the appropriate place to locate your lady of the night as this plant does not tolerate low temperatures and, therefore, you must keep it protected from the cold, especially if you live in a region with extreme temperature changes or in a windy environment. Thus, you can place it in a sheltered spot in your garden to prevent frost, making sure that it receives sunlight so that it can emit its characteristic scent in summer.


Lady of the night plants often adapt to most soils, so you should not worry too much about the type of substrate. However, ensure that proper drainage is in place to avoid the accumulation of water.


As to the irrigation required for the lady of the night, watering twice a week during the winter and every two days in summer is sufficient. It is important that the plant does not remain flooded to prevent root rot.


Basic care for lady of the night includes removing leaves and wilted flowers to encourage growth of the remaining ones. Also, in early summer, once they have already bloomed- prune them to prevent them from growing too much.


It will also be advisable to provide extra nutrients into the soil for the lady of the night, using liquid fertilizers rich in iron. This will also help them to grow and thrive, especially in the flowering stage.

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Mina modi
Hi just wanted to find out if the queen plant likes light should I put it near a light,how many times should I water every week.does the the plant like dark,when it flowers does it get scared of the should do a cutting and how long does it take to grow a cutting
Please advise if you have any other suggestion to this plant.also does like been in the same spot and move about all the time. Thanks
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Mina,

Your questions are answered in the article. Hope this helps!
How do you take cuttings to grow another Lady Of The Night plant? Can these plants be pruned?
Thank you
Michael J Conway
My Selenicereus grandiflores has flowered twice in 6 weeks, both times with beautiful flowers. Once out, lasted just the night as always. This occured on three seperate plants. Never before. Normally every 12 months.. Why why ???!!! Global warming !!!!???
How big does the Lady of the night get?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Claire,

Lady of the Night can grow up to 10 foot tall, although there are many examples of individual plants growing even larger. Generally, they will grow around 8 to 10 feet.
Jamie Butt
My mounted lady of the night is not blooming...should I prune the old stems? I have fertilized and water daily! Help! Thanks!
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Jamie

Thank you for your comment.

We suggest pruning old stems to ensure space for new and healthy ones to grow. Remember, if your Lady of The Night is mounted they will be happier in 50%-70% humidity and should be watered daily.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask us here at oneHOWTO
I have a Lady of the Night in my garden here in Morocco I never water it and it thrives. Normally we get zero rain from May until November with temperatures in the thirties mostly, occasionally reaching into the forties.
Jan sutton
My lady of the night has not flowered this year. It is in a pot and I pruned after flowering last year. It has quite a lot of leaves.
OneHowTo Editor
It may need re-potting.
Hope this helps
Laura rios
When can i repot my lady of the night
OneHowTo Editor
We'd advise you to repot maximum after one year and a half or two years of the plant's life.
Hope this helps
How to Care for a Lady of the Night Plant