Other flowers

How to Care for Begonias

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Care for Begonias

Hailing from tropical regions, begonias are flowers that are widely used for decoration at home and in the garden. Although it is noteworthy that there are an infinite number of species and varieties of this plant, it is true that generally require the same care to grow well. Begonias are not a very difficult plant to take care of, however, it is important to know the necessary steps to follow in order to take good care of it. Therefore, on OneHowTo, we explain in detail how to care for begonias so that you too can keep these pretty flowers in your home.

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Steps to follow:


First, note that begonias are indoor plants and it is true you that should provide them with certain conditions so that they may grow properly. Therefore, in cold climates such as during the winter it is desirable to keep them indoors and to protect them from the cold since the begonia's ideal temperature is between 15 and 23 ° C.


Likewise, begonias require a climate with a high humidity and indirect sunlight. Thus, you should place them in a ventilated place to receive sunlight, but too much since direct light can burn their leaves.

How to Care for Begonias - Step 2

As for watering your begonias, it is necessary to give them plenty of water during the summer season and when flowering, but always do so with caution. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot. During the winter there is no risk of burning the leaves, and you'll only need to water your begonias once a week.


Likewise, it is important that the plants have a good drainage system so that water does not accumulate on the surface and so it can be absorbed properly. Normally, you should opt for a lightweight substrate that is rich in humus and where begonias can be spread out horizontally.

How to Care for Begonias - Step 4

Also, it will be essential to fertilise your begonias in the summer with a contribution of potassium, approximately every 15 days. You'll be able to find this fertiliser in any gardening centers, just make sure you're buying the appropriate one. This fertiliser will only be necessary for the summer, you won't need to fertilise your begonias in the winter.


It's also important to avoid wetting the leaves of your begonias to prevent them rotting or having spots appear. When you water your plants put the water directly into the substrate. You also must remove any withered flowers and leaves so that the plant can grow more strongly.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Care for Begonias, we recommend you visit our Gardening & plants category.

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How to Care for Begonias