How to Decorate with Chalkboard Paint - 5 Creative Ideas

Chalkboard paint has become a very popular alternative to give our spaces a creative twist and it is very useful because it gives us the ability to write or draw (for children) and customize any home area in a simple way. Do you want to use it but need a little inspiration? No problem! Because at oneHOWTO we have 5 creative ideas for you to learn how to decorate with chalkboard paint and give a unique touch to furniture and your favorite space at home.
Chalkboard paint in the kitchen
An easy and great way to keep track of the things we need to buy, the best recipes, to decorate with creativity or leave messages to your family or roommates is having a chalkboard wall in the kitchen. This area is perfect to have a full column or wall that can serve as a giant space to record important details that you do not want to forget. Use it for the following:
- Write down the menu for today/tomorrow for the whole family
- Use it as a shopping list
- Create a vintage drawing such as a teapot, kitchen utensils, etc...
This is ideal for kitchens decorated in neutral colors like white or grey that also some have some space. If your kitchen is very small, then instead of painting an entire wall, just use a column and avoid the space looking even smaller.

Chalkboard paint on drawers
Restoring antique drawers is now the height of DIY worldwide thanks to the shabby chic trend, but you may not have the skills to do it properly. Therefore, a great solution to recover old furniture and give it a new and creative touch is using chalkboard paint on the furniture of one of the rooms of the house. That way you can write what every drawer contains, make positive statements or customize it as you like. You can even just paint your chalkboard paint on one side and give the other sides a distressed effect.
This idea is perfect for children's rooms, they will be thrilled to get to draw and write whatever they like on their furniture. Plus, they'll be able to learn how to organize their toys or clothes and keep their bedroom tidy.

Chalkboard paint calendar
If you do not want to overlook any commitment, celebration, festival or important date, then you'll need a very large calendar! There is nothing better than to allocate a wall of the house, preferably near the area where you work or study, in which you can create a large chalkboard calendar with chalkboard paint. So it will be impossible to forget any important event.

Jars with chalkboard paint labels
Want to use chalkboard paint in a more simple and discreet way? If you do not want to paint large walls, columns or furniture, an excellent and useful way to use it is to label or decorate your glass jars. Whether you choose to identify them in front or on top, painting them may help give a vintage feel to the cans in your kitchen, jars of spices and containers in which you store your sewing tools or crafts.

Chalkboard furniture & appliances
Is any of your furniture damaged and you don't want to buy new ones? Sometimes the cure may be simpler than it seems if you use a little creativity, and chalkboard paint can effectively help cover marks and signs of deterioration as well as allowing you to use this area by taking advantage of it in a different way.
Some furniture you can paint with chalkboard pain is:
- The fridge
- A closet
- A shelf
- The headboard
- A table
- A desk
- The surface of any spacious furniture you want to use for writing

If you want to read similar articles to How to Decorate with Chalkboard Paint - 5 Creative Ideas, we recommend you visit our Interior Design and Decor category.
- You can purchase chalkboard paint at any specialized store or drugstore.