How To Remove Gum From Furniture

If you've encountered some gum stuck on furniture, under tables or in your upholstery and do not know how to eliminate it, here's the solution. This problem is very common, especially if you have kids. Therefore at we explain how to remove gum from furniture. In this article you will find out some useful tricks to remove bubblegum easily.
How to remove gum from furniture: cold or ice
Before removing gum, keep in mind that if the gum melts into the furniture or especially on upholstered furniture, it will be harder to get off. The following trick will work great if the part that is stuck to the gum can be easily separated. If so, put these small parts into a freezer. After two or three hours, use a spatula to remove the gum. Remember not to use this trick if the part of the furniture contains electronic elements.
For parts that cannot be refrigerated, put ice in a towel and apply the cold area to the chewing gum. After a few minutes, remove the chewing gum with a spatula. The cold will make the gum come off the furniture more easily. Make a note of the trick!

How to remove gum from furniture: heat or hot water
The opposite effect to cold, i.e., heat can also be used to remove chewing gum from furniture. Boil water and apply it to the gum using a wet cloth. This will make the gum soft. After a few minutes get a knife or a tooth brush and scrape the gum to remove it. Be careful not to use this method on the most delicate furniture.
This trick is ideal for metal or plastic surfaces. If the gum is on upholstery and the fabric is resistant, heat by applying the iron at an average temperature. Do not apply heat directly, it is better to put the fabric inside out and put cardboard on the part where the gum is. This way the chewing gum sticks on the cardboard and comes away from the upholstery.

How to remove gum from furniture: solvent or vinegar
Although less common, we can also remove gum with solvents. Be very careful with this trick, since they could easily damage furniture. Apply the liquid to the gum and let sit for a few minutes. If you pay attention, you'll notice that the gum begins to peel slowly. Then, use a toothbrush and scrape the gum to remove it entirely. If there are still other stains or traces on the furniture, you can use your regular cleaning fluid to clean the surface.
If you do not trust the solvent because you think it will damage your furniture, you can use vinegar. Heat the vinegar and apply to the gum. Then, with a toothbrush scrape the area to remove the gum. Follow this advice and forget about gum!

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