Cleaning pillows

How to Wash a Feather Pillow

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. July 25, 2023
How to Wash a Feather Pillow

Feather pillows are known for their plush and cozy feel, but they are an essential part of your nightly comfort and deserves proper care to ensure it stays fresh, clean, and supportive. Whether you prefer to wash it by hand or with the convenience of a washing machine, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to keep your feather pillow in pristine condition.

In the following article by oneHOWTO, we will explain how to wash a feather pillow at home.

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  1. How to wash a feather pillow at home
  2. How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine
  3. How to hand wash a feather pillow
  4. How to dry a feather pillow
  5. How often to wash feather pillows?

How to wash a feather pillow at home

Washing a feather pillow can be done either by machine or by hand, depending on your preferences and any specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. Below are the procedures for each method:

How to Wash a Feather Pillow - How to wash a feather pillow at home

How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine

If you've opted to machine wash your pillow, follow these expert tips to ensure the process goes smoothly and leaves your pillow fresh and clean:

  1. First and foremost, always check the label on your pillow to confirm that it is safe for machine washing. Some pillows may have specific care instructions that should be followed to maintain their quality.

  2. Before tossing your pillow into the washing machine, remove the pillowcase or protector. Take a quick look for any broken seams or holes that could lead to feathers escaping during the wash cycle. Addressing such issues beforehand will help preserve the pillow's filling.

  3. When it comes to choosing a washing program, opt for one designed for wool fabrics. This gentle cycle will treat your pillow with care, preventing unnecessary wear and tear.

  4. Switch to liquid soap instead of powdered detergent. Liquid soap reduces the risk of leaving any residue on the pillow, ensuring a thorough and clean wash.

  5. To improve the efficiency of the wash, consider placing two pillows in the machine. This helps balance the drum and promotes a better wash cycle. If you're washing just one pillow, accompany it with some smaller clothing items to achieve the same effect.

  6. When setting the temperature, use a cold or lukewarm setting to avoid damaging the feathers inside the pillow. Heat can be detrimental to the pillow's overall quality, so it's best to play it safe with a milder temperature.

  7. For a truly spotless result, consider running the rinsing program twice. This ensures that all soap residues are thoroughly eliminated, leaving your pillow fresh and free from any cleaning agents.

  8. Don't be hesitant to spin the pillow after the washing cycle. In fact, it's recommended to set it on a fast spin speed. This helps to remove as much moisture as possible from the pillow, reducing drying time and preventing any potential mildew or mold growth.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the best and safest results. You might also be interested in this other article, where we explain how to wash towels in the washing machine.

How to hand wash a feather pillow

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach or have feather pillows that are not suitable for machine washing, fear not! Hand washing your feather pillow can also yield excellent results. Follow these steps for a thorough yet gentle cleaning process:

  1. As a first step, just like with machine washing, remove the pillowcase or protector and inspect the pillow for any broken seams or holes that might lead to feather leakage.

  2. Next, find a basin or tub large enough to accommodate the pillow.

  3. Fill it with lukewarm water and add some neutral soap. Using a smaller amount of soap will facilitate the rinsing process later on. If you don't have a suitable container, the bathtub can serve as a good alternative.

  4. Now, gently immerse the pillow in the soapy water and begin the washing process. Avoid excessive rubbing, as feather pillows can be delicate. If you encounter any stains, you can use a soft bristle brush to help remove them. However, if your pillow is mostly clean, there's no need to overdo the washing or scrubbing.

  5. Do not leave the pillow soaking for an extended period as this can lead to damage and deterioration of the feathers.

  6. After a gentle yet thorough wash, it's time to rinse off all the soap entirely. Make sure to eliminate any traces of soap to prevent any unwanted residues on the pillow.

Once you've completed the rinsing, drain the pillow as much as possible. Gently press or squeeze it to remove excess moisture. This step is crucial in preventing bad odors from developing during the drying process.

You might also be interested in this other article on how to wash a memory foam pillow.

How to Wash a Feather Pillow - How to hand wash a feather pillow

How to dry a feather pillow

Proper drying is crucial to prevent bad odors and maintain the quality of the feather pillow. Here's a detailed guide on how to dry a feather pillow with or without a dryer:

How to dry a feather pillow in the dryer

  • Temperature: when using a dryer, you have two options for the drying temperature. The first option is to use high heat, which will dry the pillow faster. However, this method carries a risk of damaging the feathers. For a safer approach, it's recommended to use a cold temperature setting.

  • Drying time: drying a feather pillow in the dryer may take several cycles, depending on your dryer model and settings. Be patient and avoid rushing the process.

  • Testing for dryness: to ensure that the pillow is completely dry and free from moisture, squeeze it with your hands. Make sure there are no damp spots left. Moisture retention can lead to unpleasant odors or even mold growth.

  • Maintaining shape: to prevent the pillow from losing its shape and volume during the drying process, use dryer balls in the dryer. If you don't have dryer balls, you can use tennis balls wrapped in a sock as a substitute.

  • Additional drying tip: to remove excess water and aid the drying process, place a towel inside the dryer drum along with the pillows.

  • Finishing touch: once the pillows are done drying, take them out of the dryer, and to retain their shape, hold them by the corners and shake them vigorously.

How to dry a feather pillow without a dryer

  • Removing moisture: lay a towel on a flat surface, place the pillow on it, and cover the pillow with another towel. Gently press and squeeze the pillow to remove as much moisture as possible.

  • Air drying: the best way to dry a feather pillow without a dryer is to let it air dry on a flat surface. Avoid moving or disturbing the pillow until it is completely dry.

Remember that proper care and attention during the drying process are essential to maintain the quality and longevity of your pillows.

You might find interest in our other article, where we delve into the topic of whether the dryer can shrink clothes and provide helpful tips on how to handle this issue.

How often to wash feather pillows?

It's recommended to wash feather pillows about twice a year, ideally every six months. Regular washing helps eliminate accumulated dirt, oils, and allergens, keeping the pillows fresh and hygienic. Here are some helpful tips to keep your feather pillows clean and in good condition:

To protect your feather pillows from stains, sweat, and dirt, use cotton covers or anti-mite covers. These covers can be easily washed every week along with your sheets, helping to extend the life of the pillows and maintain their cleanliness.

When making the bed, vigorously shake the pillows to prevent the accumulation of dust and to distribute and revitalize the filling. Consider shaking the pillow every night before bedtime. This helps restore its volume and fluffiness, providing optimal support for a good night's rest.

Make sure to ventilate your room well, at least once a day. Proper ventilation reduces the risk of mold growth and helps keep the pillows fresh.

Occasionally flip the pillow to prevent it from becoming misshapen and to even out wear and tear. This simple action can extend the pillow's lifespan and maintain its support.

If you're not planning to use the pillow for an extended period, store it in a cool, dry place, free from moisture. Avoid storing the pillow in plastic bags, as this can trap moisture and lead to mold or mildew growth.

Do not miss this other article on how often should you wash your towels.

How to Wash a Feather Pillow - How often to wash feather pillows?

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How to Wash a Feather Pillow