Saving up on bills

10 Ways to Save Electricity at Home

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia, Writer and researcher. Updated: February 7, 2025
10 Ways to Save Electricity at Home

In addition to lights, electronics and air conditioners, most appliances in our household run on electricity. As our use of electrical appliances increases, so do our utility bills. Besides that, just as there is increased awareness about saving water, electricity is a non-renewable source of energy too, and it is important to preserve it and not waste it. Whether you want to save on your electricity bills, or you want to do something to save the environment, it is important to know how to save electricity at home. This oneHOWTO article is going to discuss about 10 ways to save electricity at home.

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Steps to follow:


Maximize daylight. Instead of switching on the lights of your house, try to depend more on natural sources of light during the day. Open up those blinds and curtains, and let the sunlight enter inside. If you still need to keep curtains closed, choose light colored ones that can embrace the incoming sun rays. If you're planning on building a new home, then the benefits of a glass house will be excellent to save up on electricity.


Change light bulbs. Instead of incandescent light bulbs, use CFL or LED bulbs that release enough energy at less power. They might be expensive to buy, but with their lower consumption of electricity, they will help you save money in the long run. They last longer too, and require less frequent replacements.

10 Ways to Save Electricity at Home - Step 2

Together time. You need to turn on the lights during evenings and nights, but instead of lighting all the rooms, try to gather together in a single room, such as the living room, and keep the lights of other rooms off. This way, you will not only save electricity, but will also spend some time with all the members of your family.


Always unplug. Electronic appliances continue consuming some electricity even if you have turned their switch off. Make it a habit to unplug it after each use. All your televisions, radio systems, computers, coffee makers, phone chargers, hair dryers and other appliances should be unplugged after use. You will definitely notice a decrease in your next bill.

10 Ways to Save Electricity at Home - Step 4

Candle lighting. Don’t wait for a power breakout to enjoy a candle light dinner. Switch off the lights of your house at least once in a week, and light your house with slow-burning candles. Use candlelight to read in the night, or get used to activities that are more fun in darkness, such as telling scary or funny stories to children, playing hide and seek etc.


Outdoor lighting. If you have outdoor lights in your lawn or driveway for security purposes, do not let them stay on all night. Use automatic lights instead. These lights will detect motion and warn you whenever there is some disturbance around your house. Also turn off your decorative lights while going to bed, as no one is going to see them and appreciate after midni ght.


Clothes washing and drying. Instead of drying your clothes in a dryer, let them hang out in sunlight and dry naturally. Dryer is one of the major culprits that consume a lot of electricity. If it is a sunny day, use the power of sunlight to let your clothes dry. Remember, sunlight is available absolutely for free, and your clothes will dry at no cost.

Moreover, we advise you to always wait to put the washing machine on when you have a full load and use the shortest cycle that will clean your clothes effectively.


Save up while cooking. Heating up your microwave oven consumes a lot of electricity. If you are baking, gather all your baking jobs and do all of them at the same time, instead of heating it up every other day.


Energy efficient appliances. Replace the older electrical appliances of your house with newer energy efficient models for a sustainable home. Manufacturers are now making energy efficient models to save electricity. Older appliances consume more electricity as compared to the latest models. So, if an appliance has become too old, replace it with a star rated appliance instead of getting it repaired every now and then.

10 Ways to Save Electricity at Home - Step 9

Make your house energy efficient. Use your air conditioners sparingly. Insulate your house, open your windows to let fresh air circulate, drink lots of water to stay cool and spend some time outside everyday. Try to adjust with the natural room temperature, and turn on the air conditioner only when the heat becomes intolerable.

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big boy
very helpful thanks a lot to whoever wrote this website
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10 Ways to Save Electricity at Home