Decorating a house interior

How to Decorate Open Shelves in the Living Room

By Sara . Updated: January 20, 2017
How to Decorate Open Shelves in the Living Room

Open shelves in the living room when decorated with right items can change the look of your room. Just mix and match the items and a little experimentation with open shelves can bring the desired change and effect in your living room. You can easily change a contemporary room to a modern room or vice versa by replacing some pieces in the open shelves. Furthermore, open shelves are perfect if you have a small living room, since their open concept will make the area seem bigger.

In this article we will know how to decorate open shelves in the living room.

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  1. Open shelves as divider between living room and breakfast nook
  2. Open shelves to show off your collection
  3. Floating shelves in window nook
  4. Everyday essential on open shelves
  5. Add décor around your fireplace or window with open shelves
  6. Short and long shelves

Open shelves as divider between living room and breakfast nook

The dividing point between your breakfast nook or dining area and living room can be easily decorated with open shelves. It will make both rooms to be airy and bright with light, giving the impression that they are bigger. The shelves can be decorated with both dishwares and books. You can also add a small potted plant in one of the shelf which will instantly brighten up the look. Also, you can use photo frames and any other decoration items you fancy.

Open shelves to show off your collection

If you are a traveler who collects memorabilia from each place then your open shelves are the perfect place to display those items. Floating shelves would be perfect to flaunt your unique collection, rather than keeping it inside some closet for no one to see.

How to Decorate Open Shelves in the Living Room - Open shelves to show off your collection

Floating shelves in window nook

If your house has a window nook in the living room then you can add some adjustable open shelves to the nook on the walls adjoining the window. Keep your favorite books and a few decorative items. In case you forget time while reading and relaxing in your nook then add a beautiful alarm clock on the shelf to remind you the time.

Everyday essential on open shelves

If you don’t want to spend money on decorative items for the open shelves then here is a cheap and efficient idea for decorating the shelves. Simply, use your everyday essential items to decorate the shelves. For this have some shelves made of wood and fix them on the wall. Then place all white items like dishware, books, pen stand, a white/ transparent vase and others on the shelves. White on wooden shelf creates an effect of shapely negative space which looks both modern and elegant.

How to Decorate Open Shelves in the Living Room - Everyday essential on open shelves

Add décor around your fireplace or window with open shelves

If you have space at both sides of fireplace or window then you can adjust some floating shelves in that space. For decoration, use items of only one or two colors and color coordinate it with the color of the window or fireplace.

How to Decorate Open Shelves in the Living Room - Add décor around your fireplace or window with open shelves

Short and long shelves

A simple way of making your open shelves different from the normal décor is to incorporate short and long shelves. Place some short and long, white floating shelves behind your couch in the living room. Then decorate it with vibrant color items. It instantly adds zing to your room!

How to Decorate Open Shelves in the Living Room - Short and long shelves

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How to Decorate Open Shelves in the Living Room