Roses, you will find practical information written by experts about roses in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
5 articles

Flowers are always considered to be a perfect medium to express emotions and to show expressions that words can’t. They have been used since ages to communicate feelings without words. Among the millions of flowers in this nature, roses have captured our attention since times immemorial. No other flowers...

low difficulty
low difficulty
Roses are the most romantic and sensual flowers in the world. They are a great example of love and affection and therefore bouquets of roses are among the most common gifts between couples. There are different colours of roses and, besides the classic red rose we can also find blue Roses, yellow, white,...

low difficulty
low difficulty
True blue roses are highly prized as garden decorations. Many people are interested in this type of rose, but sometimes they cost so much money. If you're thinking about finding natural blue roses and you cannot locate them, you can now make them yourself at your humble home. This is a very simple technique...

low difficulty
Blue roses are a species of flower that are a human creation, given that this pigment does not exist in nature. They are extraordinarily beautiful roses that have become more popular over time. These flowers, which are genetically modified, are patented by a Japanese company. Knowing how to grow them at home...

Roses are beautiful flowers that we usually give to someone as a token of our love, care and affection. Although we associate the rose with passion red, these flowers also exist in many other colors and not all of these symbolize the same things. The meaning can vary greatly between different shades,...